Coconut Reacts to "Dead by Daylight Dev streams are PERFECT"

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#CoconutRTS #DBD


30 thoughts on “Coconut Reacts to "Dead by Daylight Dev streams are PERFECT"”

  1. Recently, BHVR seems to be doing a lot of really good updates for DBD; actually for real. I just wanted to share this with you guys because I thought this was a really funny edit

  2. So I’ve had a blast playing dbd now that all I do as killer is farm and let everyone escape everyone’s nice now and the hate mail has stopped so tl:dr the best way to play dbd is to not play dbd

  3. Nothing related to the video, but I’ve hit my first cross map today! On the ice map, thanks to bitter murmur! I’m on console so it was quite the achievement! Thanks for all your tips and gameplay videos! ❤️


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