COULD FINISH IT HERE! – Dead by Daylight!

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29 thoughts on “COULD FINISH IT HERE! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. "If you lose as survivor if game is designed for survivors to have 20 second chace and be downed every single time then how would it be fun for survivors?" (True's words) – its also the other way around, how is it fun for killers to have 4 minute matches because of just gen speed?

  2. wish there is a mechanic where if a killer is within a certain radius the hook progression is stopped as if the entity gets bored and wants the killer to chase. Like comradery but it's based on the presence of the killer. (not affected by terror radius just a specific distance)

    Or to be fair if there are no survivor in chase, the effect works but the moment a killer started another chase even close to the hook the timer starts again

  3. "If the game was perfectly balanced at killing two, why did I draw?" Uh, do you know what a draw means? It means it was an even match. Even = balanced. Do you even think about what you say half the time?

  4. 20 seconds is a decent length for being chased sometimes, depending on how far you are taking the killer away from the gen your team is working on. Obviously it's better to go for longer, but if you can drag the killer away from the area 20 seconds there and back is 1/2 a gen, and if he stops to pick you up and hook you, it could easily turn into more. Without Ruin whatever progress your team gets isn't instantly lost if they get pressured away from it too, so even short chases are useful if the killer loses gen pressure.

  5. 42s 1 gen done , totally not because survivors spawn next to the gens.
    Everything is giving by those Bastard devs to the baby survivors.
    Never struggled that much before to get rank 1.

  6. He could have won the game by slugging camping, gave them another chance so he could play the WAY THE GAME IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED… the FUN way and the gens were done within like 3 minutes and 2 escaped even after him outplaying them. This game can be fun but it's so busted it's not even funny.


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