COUNTERPLAYING SPIRIT! #1253141234 – Dead by Daylight!

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40 thoughts on “COUNTERPLAYING SPIRIT! #1253141234 – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. But that isn't a counter to spirit. It's you being better than the killer player…

    A counter would be something that works against every single spirit player.

    Same as how the counter to hag is to harass her and set off her traps when she is busy.

    Sometimes mate for all your game knowledge, you talk alot of shit.

  2. The counterplay is the spirit being bad or her screwing up somehow. You can't call it counterplay when your not reacting to what she is doing, you having zero information to her power or when she is using it is not you just being better, that's just her not using it correctly.

  3. Tru likes to purposely twist the words of people who say spirit is encounterable (Hes not the only person who twists words, everyone does it). They dont mean make her weaker. In chase there isnt really any opportunities to use your skill to counter her (unless you consider guessing counterplay). But you can still get all the gens done against her. They mean make her chases more interactive which would be a nerf by definition because she wouldnt be able to down as fast most likely. But while you make her chases more interactive I think you should also make her map control better maybe by decreasing the cooldown on phase so she can use it not only in chase but also to go around the map to gens.

  4. Tru I'm not going to lie this was kinda scummy to title the video countering spirit but not get into a single chase. The litteral only hit she got was you trying to pop the gen in her face. All I can see is that you call gen rushing countering spirit. That's not even countering her that's just playing the game. The litteral only thing you can call counter play is another survivor running behind you mid phase making it hard to tell who's who. Besides that theirs litteraly 0 counteraplay it's just guessing.

  5. This Spirit did not even have a full Perk-Build… Big sign that this player is new to Spirit. If you think that the counter to spirit is to hope that they are inexperienced…meh.

  6. i love how since scott has said “it’s outplay not counterplay”, it’s literally what people are plastering everywhere cuz they can’t form their own opinions

  7. If spirit has good headset with stridore then there is no counterplay dummy
    Stop using useless evidence which based on inexperienced killer and CHILL spirit.

  8. Maybe a strong spirit is almost uncounterable. I think it's only fair to apply this same logic to strong SWFs, because a strong SWF is almost impossible to beat if you're not spirit or nurse. It doesn't matter if a SWF plays to goof around or they're just bad, because most spirits are bad just like most SWFs are bad, and the evidence is that many people like Tru3 and myself win against most spirits we face. So a nerf shouldn't be considered imo, but what should be considered is maybe a power rework.

  9. Man…. a lot of people in the comments can’t fathom the fact that DBD is not a 1v1 game. There is a delete function for comments lads, it’s not too late… (edit) and trying to mald over the word being used. Imagine getting worked up for no reason. Smooth brain business

  10. Tru3 you’re a controversial asshole, how dare you believe in people. You dare have the balls to say “if I can do it then you can do it! What a jerk.

    Why can’t you just let me believe I can’t beat spirit I love being weak minded and a defeatist. 😂

  11. Well umm in response to the all comments and beliefs about countering or outplaying spirits…… hi, hope every has a great day and remember that True and everyone on here is a actual person who has their own opinions and shouldn’t be insulted or belittled for whatever their opinion is.

  12. I just dont get how anyone calls this ‘counterplay’ she had 1 chase with you all game and it ended with you sandbagging a team mate in shack then she never saw you again cuz she proxy’d her hooks and went for tunnels. Nothing here was counter playing her.

  13. Tru3, the argument is not that it impossible to beat Spirit. The argument is, in a chase, the Survivor's actions don't really matter. That it just boils down to a series of coinflips, due to a lack of information being given.
    We don't want Spirit to be turned into Old Freddy, we just want to have more information to work with.

  14. 8:20 *Places face in hands
    No, Tru3, that is NOT what people are saying. No one is saying "just don't go against the best Survivors, 4hed".
    They are saying that you can't implement a universal SWF nerf because the kind of nerf that will make the SEAL Team 6 groups fair will cripple the vastly more common casual SWFs.

  15. Hot take: It's fine if Spirit doesnt have counterplay. Why? Because you should never be able to completly shutdown a killer. However the game should give Survivors better indications of what Spirit is doing, and this isn't counterplay it's just better design. For example the way to counter Myers is abusing LOS breakers so he can't Tier up and using Shift W, the further you are the slower he progresses. You can completly counter Myers for enough time so that he loses the game, i've lost matches because i didn't get out of Tier1 fast enough. Spirit has nothing Survivors can do to counter her power and that is absolutly fine, all Survivor needs is a way to tell ok she is phasing and she is going here or there. Visual and audio queues that don't shut her Power down but give the other side reliable information.


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