Coup + Starstruck knock survivor out of the game – Dead By Daylight October 28, 2021 by Benjo - DBD Shorts Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ You may notice one d/c from another recent video… #dbd #dbdshorts #dbdclips source
I wonder if you would use a blighted serum on one of the killers *cough infi tier 3 myers cough Reply
I do also hate the all seeing blood add on lol, it's the only thing I would change about wraith. Reply
To be honest Wraith is not fun at all to play against nowadays, i would totally DC too against that All-seeing blood and starstruck combo. Reply
What i hate on the game is experienced survivors using stretched resolution just to have an unfair advantage. The killer can play outstandingly well, but will still have a really hard time winning a match against this scoundrels. Reply
I'm all for the perk build, but even with the nerf that aura add-on is busted lol. Every time I use it as wraith I get at least a 3k Reply
I got called a hacker 2 games in a row using your build, one of them was a streamer and his friends. I am having so much fun. Reply
Haha survivors have a new hiding technique turning themselves into items lol sounds like another game lol Reply
Ah a wriaith video nice, keep the good work!
I wonder if you would use a blighted serum on one of the killers *cough infi tier 3 myers cough
Опять Бенджо портит игры выжившим.
Longest hit & disconect WR
Funny how she dc'd even though she never got hooked
I just noticed your logo also has the starstruck sparkles, very nice.
I do also hate the all seeing blood add on lol, it's the only thing I would change about wraith.
She turned herself into a medkit.
Funniest shit ive ever seen
You gotta make a whole video on this build
To be honest Wraith is not fun at all to play against nowadays, i would totally DC too against that All-seeing blood and starstruck combo.
She did not want.
I like how it starts and one guy is already gone lmao
They dc so u no get stack what a thoughtful teamate
What i hate on the game is experienced survivors using stretched resolution just to have an unfair advantage. The killer can play outstandingly well, but will still have a really hard time winning a match against this scoundrels.
welp, definitely picking up coup for my wraith after seeing this
why distressing instead of agi? memes?
Mikaela Reid: "No, BHVR, dont turn me into a marketable medkit! Nooooooooo!"
Like a wise soul once said
"ya might as well of not hidden them xD"
That’s my Wright build bro…gimme it back
I'm all for the perk build, but even with the nerf that aura add-on is busted lol. Every time I use it as wraith I get at least a 3k
added to my best satisfying videos.
best build in my opinion!
When the entity lets the killers use full power.
How survivor mains think the lunge really is.
I got called a hacker 2 games in a row using your build, one of them was a streamer and his friends. I am having so much fun.
sometimes you just gotta go
Very impressive, thanks for the build.
Nooo mr. Wraith, I don't want to become a medkit, nooooo
That hit went right through her monitor!
different build I see
why we still here, still suffer from god damn star struck
use agitation instead of distressing as it also increases terror radius
Haha survivors have a new hiding technique turning themselves into items lol sounds like another game lol
Just pre drop the pallet what are you doing lol
Wtf i just got the notif for this video
Survivors. They see ANYTHING outside the usual, and scream cheater.
pretty sure you wouldve made that hit even without coup
Bro you killed her in real life