Current state of Solo Survivor | Dead by Daylight

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The changes are certainly a bit rough, but find the attitude of some solo players right now to be absolutely horrible. People are giving up way too easily, making many games absolutely infuriating.

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32 thoughts on “Current state of Solo Survivor | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Solo is ass and I am getting so fucking frustrated with it. Team mates letting you die on 1 FUCKING HOOK, when you should never even enter phase 2! I played a game earlier where I finished with 26k BP the closest under me was 17k and the lowest was 3k WTF DID THEY DO?!? Then I was using inner healing once I just cleansed a totem and we were playing against legion.. well I had just entered the locker quietly to heal myself and here comes around the corner my team mate getting chased by legion when there are 2 lockers there and this idiot tried to enter mine and got me caught and hooked for my second time. It’s ridiculous the stupid shit some of these people do.

    Don’t get me started on the no skill lame ass killers who can’t down a single person the entire match only to down us in the end with NOED. WHY SHOULD THEY BE REWARDED FOR BEING DOG SHIT?

    I don’t use dead hard or any of that “meta” shit either and I never have. I used Jonah for the tome challenge ran his book perk, resilience, detectives hunch, and lithe. I’ve only been playing for a month but I was irri 4 last season and gold 3 right now.

  2. Just play one game the killer camp one of my friend to dead. Even I save him once with BT but killer just chase him down again and again. This update sucks when DS no longer available

  3. If people give up a game it's a sign of frustration. So they PROTEST and the tendency is growing. To me rightfully so. Nurse has zero counterplay and is honestly one of the most boring killers to counter. The fact that every 2nd game now is against a nurse doesn't help it.

  4. As someone who recently started playing dbd (maybe a week prior to this patch) like sure there was the occasional dc but post patch, I have a dc almost every third match and people keep ending themselves on hook just to get out of games early…

  5. Funny how for months and months it wasn't a issue that the game was survivor sided but now a killer sided update comes out and survivors just blame everyone but themselves and saying that the game isn't fair when it hasn't been fair for killers for months.

  6. Otz thank you so much for posting this video this has been the majority of my solo queue games since the update it’s painful. We also have a swf of 3 and we still get wrecked even with coms don’t know how much longer we can put up with this game it’s not enjoyable anymore.

  7. That play at the end was great… Although I genuinely cannot imagine how much that person playing killer has failed in their real life to force everyone in that game to have such a boring experience, just so they can win in a party video game with the most overpowered character in said game. couldn't just accept that they had been outplayed at the end

  8. i suck at nurse so i don't play her, same with blight and doctor feels eh to play…. too bad i'm a potato so otz will pretty much never be up against me

  9. I played a few matches of soloque after the update and it was just hell. All people were just overreacting every time and started to kill themself on first hook. After this I really just play with friends because in solo they don't even try to win. They give up on 4 Gens after they get downed. But when I play with friends many killers didn't stop to tunnel our camping. Matchmaking is also messed up right now xD

  10. i feel like for the average survivor(s) (SWF or not) that it is extremely unlikely for a four-man escape even with proper coordination. Before my friends and I would get at least two out pretty consistently, but now we may get two out every 3-4 games max. Tunneling isn't the biggest problem now in my opinion, I feel like the killer was just given too much at once and should have been given the general buffs in intervals depending on how well the average killer was playing.

    We have to remember that the game needs to be fun for everyone, but the issue is that the main part of DBD survivors and killers are considered average, which I can only imagine is high bronze to middle silver. I haven't had any fun on the game since the update, which makes me sound like I'm just complaining. I didn't find killer that underwhelming in the first place (which I played before the update) and I wouldn't care if they kept Dead Hard and Decisive Strike where they are right now. I think they may have fed the killer a little too much at once. Why would you put yourself though the pain when you can put others through it by playing killer. I've been playing the update everyday just praying that they help survivors out more, it feels like we were left on an island from killers complaining about exhaustion perks and then Behaviour thought they'd just make killers like Superman or something.

  11. the new update was perfect with some crucial exceptions. if they were to be addressed, then i think things would be balanced. but until then, weve got some issues. imo the needed changes are these:
    • DS is buffed back to 5 seconds. its endgame nerf remains the same.
    • Nurses range addons are nerfed hard.
    • Hook grabs are removed.
    • Off the record get reworked (again).
    • Blood lust is rolled back to pre-buff.
    • Lightweight scratch mark duration is increased back to pre-buff. scratch spread buff remains the same.
    • Survivor hit speed boost duration is increased back to 2 seconds.

    thoughts anybody? outside of " killer op" and "survivor salty"?

  12. I am a survivor main and I don't mind the challenge of going against a tough killer. It would be boring if you escaped easily every time. It forces you to use strategy to out-think the killer and that in itself is fun. The problem with DBD for me, is the gameplay is stagnant now. Probably still fun playing killer but with the added gen times, it makes it even more boring staying on gens than ever before. Used to get a kick out of looping the killer or if they got near and you had to hide hoping not to be caught. After months of playing though, it just doesn't have the same thrills anymore. And a game is supposed to thrill you. I will pick it up now and again and enjoy a game over a glass of gin but it's definitely stale gameplay now. Would be great if they introduced something like if you are the last remaining survivor, you get to face off against the killer in some kind of spooky house and collect a key to survive. I don't know. I guess they can't change the entire game mechanics but it's lost its way for sure. The new VHS game sure looks like fun though! 🙂

  13. Listening to Otz getting flustered about survs cleansing totems is how I feel with Solo Q in Evil Dead:TG … watching survs loot chests and stumbling into every trap before rage quitting when they attempt to solo the Demon possessing a basic unit and fail.

  14. LUL "You guys just realllly want to lose" LMAO I was saying that every other game last week finally yesterday I started getting matches again with people mostly trying at least. I always bring sole survivor now too no matter which surv I'm using. Never leave home without it man. It's not bad against the generators too if everybody starts bringing it once somebody's died. Especially if you get one killed that isn't touching gens, it becomes a net positive. Just leave em up there as a free ward with kindred until they charge up your sole survivor. Prove is also essential these days, and lets you get away with not putting a bullseye on yourself bringing a toolbox in the lobby you may or may not ever get the chance to fully use. I now feel like I gotta blow the toolboxes especially the BNP since saving them for a rough gen at the end is a pipe dream currently… I'll just have fricking wasted it if I don't blow my wad on the very 1st gen I touch now just in case cowardly or hook farming teammates get me tunneled out first.

    Everybody's right, those are pretty much normal matches right now unfortunately especially against killers they don't enjoy like nurse where that's all theyd o is hook farm each other while you get too few points touching generators to be convinced to not start doing the same thing once you realize it's another one of those games. Those hook stages on them are dwindling supplies of bloodpoints, that's what your teammates are now, lol. It doesn't matter how I play any more. It's still me versus the exit gate and if it's a blight I just locker hop the entire egc to spite them. It's the only power I have left besides another 24hour DC which I'm saving for a killer that especially pisses me off… I'm trying to save it so hard that it was only 6 hours last night when I used it again on poor impulse because of a slug at the end of a game I didn't have many bp to lose anyways probably (since I was only doing gens and got no unhooks so I probably didn't lose much not bringing items or offerings any more).


  15. to be completely honest the attitude of survivors was to give up in 50% of my matches before this update. now its even worse and as a solo survivor this game is not enjoyable for me sadly and im not against the game and enjoy playing it and want to enjoy it. tunnelling is worse than before and survivors dont cooperate and the game is more frustrating than it has ever been.

  16. I love how everyone is complaining about Solo Q being more difficult. Which yes, it is, I ain’t about to even try to pretend that it isn’t, but everyone just quitting and giving up every damn game is honestly probably a bigger reason to why it’s so miserable as opposed to ANY of the Killer buffs. I had a game where ALL 3 of my teammates started killing themselves on hook right away. Against a Fucking Clown. I’m sorry but a large majority of why Solo Q is so miserable is because so many survivor players are just whinny babies who are too used to how the game used to be and would rather quit because “he got caught a little too fast for his liking” as opposed to anything else. Like, grow up people, please.

  17. iam the only one playing only against Legion(slow down game build) or nurse with broken perks? 😂 right now is this game in the worst state for me
    1 game against Legion feels right now like 1 hour playing DBD 🤣


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