DBD 5 Year Event BREAKDOWN. What's coming NEXT to Dead by Daylight?

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#DBD #ResidentEvil

The Dead by Daylight 5 year anniversary BREAKDOWN! The good, the bad, and the plain out confusing! Also… No cat pictures? Weird.

Hi guys! I’m MrGimms! I’m an Australian YouTube Partner living in England, streaming a variety of different games. Most known for playing Dead by Daylight!

📜Schedule: I stream MONDAY to FRIDAY 8PM – 12AM BST U.K time, 3PM EST U.S.

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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.


40 thoughts on “DBD 5 Year Event BREAKDOWN. What's coming NEXT to Dead by Daylight?”

  1. Im worried we might be hitting critical mass with poor optimazations and it will be like old dbd (trapper,waith, billy only) where I could one time hardly run the game past 20fps on low 🙁

  2. well guys…we know what we gatta do……..

    abuse a mechanic to show the devs how bad it is, make them see how its bad, so they fix it…

    im talking about the auto-ban system…

    they think itll fix toxicity? it will allow more toxicity…

    suddenly bans shoot through the ROOF…killer #s drop like crazy due to entitled surv mains stacking reports with their friends…

    suddenly "ThE SuRv MatChMaKinG QuEuEs ArE tOo LoNg!!!!1!"

    oh no!


  3. I like how it says the survivor gets to chose if you use it or not, at least that is how it sounded…. Mori's bad…. Keys are ok though….. My biggest issue though is the autoban system. People report people for stupid shit all the time and if they move to a autoban people are gonna get banned for no reason other than cry babies crying.

  4. The livestream was packed full of cringe. The report system is very worrysome, some people just report for wrong reasons just because they lost. The system is broken and should be thoroughly checked. They can't just ban someone if they were reported 5 times.

  5. also i dont get the 'have survivors choose whether or not they engage with the [new mori] system'….so…youre saying i can just…be denied mori's? something a killer does is *dictated by survivor actions*?? where have i seen this before…hmmmm….

  6. I am actually happy that the map is so big and think it is necessary, I know it might be a bit enclosed in some areas but the map size will make it more of a hunt for the killers and the survivors will struggle to navigate the killers location, well with the acceptation of some perks.

  7. Those Mori changes sound disgusting and their attitude towards them is insane, if they screw it up I'm honestly done they have taken ALL the fun out of playing killer for me

  8. I would love it if this AI system was incorporated with other killers. Imagine if when you switch between Victor and Charlotte, the one that is idol walks around and attacks survivors like the zombies.

  9. It was interesting to have the lack of sacrifice and escape options mentioned in the stream. I'd also say that about Rank Rewards, MMR, the Gnome in game timed exclusive; they didn't mention the art contests at all, or show runner ups or personal favorites, which I would have liked.

  10. dude you should of seen the chat both Twitch and Youtube Chat, both were hilariously spamming stuff like "Cringe" or "ResidentSleeper" (Which means it's so boring that they slept) it was so funny not gonna lie the chat carried some parts of the stream

  11. Moris being reduced to a cool animation on death hook is too "toxic" and too "premature."

    I like how they just kind of threw in, "Oh yeah, and keys will affected somehow too. Dont @ us."

  12. the new survivor totem perk makes totems useless btw. idk if you played with it but you cleanse them 20% faster and after cleansing a totem you see another totem for the next 4s thus making totems useless

  13. Killing off Mori's and having a terrible ban system that is gonna leave innocent killer players banned!?
    I know one thing.
    No one is gonna play killer anymore and the wait time for survivors are gonna be longer.

  14. I'm still waiting on what additional information they have for the anniversary event…. They said they were going to put more resources on bigger events. But, all we're getting is the same event…. Yes – I understand we're getting a bunch of rewards just for playing – but, I was kind of expecting… I dont know.. some in game interactions or mechanics thrown in. Feels a bit lazy … :/
    Guess, I'll just have to wait and see what they actually have in store for us this Halloween, to see what they bring to the table…

  15. To me, it seems like both sides will have a new objective to do some type of tug of war over. I think if the killer prospers they will get to mori survivors. If the survivors prosper a key will spawn in the map somewhere.

  16. I hate how they’re watering down the meaning of ‘toxic’. You’ll be able to report someone for ‘toxic’ behavior now? Like what? Camping? But it’s not against the rules, so I’m really confused right now. Also how can Moris be ‘toxic’? LMAO they were created and implemented by these morons, so do they admit they create ‘toxicity’ in their own game? How can a game mechanic that is so useless in its current state be called ‘toxic’ is beyond me. What a bunch of losers.

  17. A key should spawn in the map at one of 2 locations with 10 sec bar to acquire and only spawns when your the last surv. Then remove it from inventory and bloodweb. Also make hatch stay closed until key is used.

  18. I felt exited for RE chapter, i wanted to see a visual road map and what would be the biggest changes that will be coming and when.
    And what i got and everyone got was a mix of disorganized, ambigue, vague and disconnect group of ideas they maybe have.
    Even they didn't show nothing really about the realm beyond that is easily more factible to show prematurely.
    We have to wait and see how and what they do.

  19. A streamer reported me on their stream for bad sportsmanship because I decided to pump out the last gen instead of healing them as they teabagged next to it for a heal and they died trying to get to the exit. Enough said.

  20. i really don't think the meta is gonna change. no one runs hex related perks other than inner strength and even then rarely. if you watch scott jund's video on the killer's power the survivors can easily counter it similar to not cleansing against plague, this killer is C tier. people think that's low but in DBD any killer can 4k in a pub so there's only better killers and not any bad ones. maybe B tier with optimal play but if the survivors also play optimally then he goes down

  21. We still had to work for moris. We had to get two hooks. Tell me, what's worse.

    A free item that allows an entire team to leave in five minutes,
    Or an offering that takes a while to get and has to be worked for.
    Also, the new way to survive is Leon's Flash-bang perk

  22. New way of escape and sacrifice is probably about Key and Mori change. Who knows, watching the whole Dev stream was cringefest as usual, thanks for making a video about it for people who cant handle watching them for prolonged period of time lol.
    Overall its good I guess, love the RE characters they chosen and new training mode, but disappointed about autoban, AI bots and the fact that they ignore console optimization so blatantly. Also no cross progression. Well could be worse I guess. Great video mate

  23. What made it drag on for me is the damn cringy fog whisperer clips and questions, idc, lets get to the devs and the game news.
    The presentation was okay to me, I liked the set-up they had and I wish they would say more about up coming things and the next 2 chapters or upcoming killer changes like pig, legion, trapper, trickster and plague need changes but I think trickster is gonna be getting changes and the others may get ignored judging from what they said on stream.


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