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So today I played DBD at 3AM… I hope you enjoy!
I genuinely don’t think MMR works late night on Dead by Daylight lol
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Hope you enjoyed!
I genuinely don't think MMR works late night lol
I just got to say dude I love you so much😗
i got yun jin just for her pj outfit 😭
Where is demi ? His 3 pm vdeos
3:55 that was the most amazing block ive ever seen in my life
Guys I’m gonna ask him why
Waits an hour in queue at 3am just to get a trickster on swamp. Glad Ayrun managed to make it entertaining
Michaela works best at this time XD
Welcome back ayrun ❤️
only chads wake up at 3 am
watching at 3am for the whole experience
I’m confused
More like 6:50
Just found this channel and I can't stop watching it
fr i be going to bed right after school then wake up at like 1-2 am
bro has 10k hours
Dang just like 2 hours of this game with Ayrun giving me tips would be a dream come true
I would instantly afk or tunnel Ayrun lol I mean I have less than 100 hours as killer and I get matched versus 6k hour survivors that do 360 and play like Ayrun and just make me sweat lol MMR is brokeeeen
These musics, these sound effects brings back so many memories
10.000h WTF???
That's what dbd is all about, surviving the night full campers, tricksters, and other horrors. Only to realize your are still dead by daylight
That’s exactly what I needed to see at 6am I’m drunk
10k of played hours. Mate you literally a pro player
"This guy stays up late, and plays… Trickster…"
Now in italy its 7.43 a.m. Hahahahahah
When ur wake up late the killer and u still normally do nothing intelligent
3:25 its my first game of the day.
Also ayrun: goes to sleep at 2 am
10K hours in the game, bro thats insane
10k hours? chill, man
ayruns sleepy voice is cute
Nice breakdown
Ayrun, do you realy have 10.296 hour dbd ?!
this is normally when i play dbd…
not me watching this at 3am
i’m gonna do it… why are you up at 3am? i know you said not to do it
Ayrun: I Play DbD at 3am
ME: He have 10k hours in this game
Wait trickster has subtitles?
PLAY AT 3 when ur really sad. u gonna have a fun time
Aww your so a kind big man! 😀
666/2 = 333
Bro I'm playing dbd and when you showed the time it was literally 3:33 am lmao
I bet it took you about 2 hours to finally get in to those two games 💀
Fan of the vids but man I wish the ending music that's edited in didn't give away if you were going to die or make it out
can someone explain me what is the text in the middle of the screen pls ?