DBD Confirmation Bias RAW RANT | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #bias #rant

Video Song: Phantoms by White Bat Audio

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26 thoughts on “DBD Confirmation Bias RAW RANT | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Unfortunately, this has been an issue since the dawn of the human race lol. Even though pig could either be strong or weak depending on Rng, people will find dumb ways to feel like they're a part of something or right…

  2. People just want pig to not have an attack and dead hard to activate godmode for the remainder of the match same way around some people want dead hard to just kill the user automatically and noed to be active all game and not be a hex and my buddy totally thinks sadako is op me and my cousin have to tell him and our other buddy that certain things like pig and sadako aren't op they're just ass haha

  3. We have seen people complainting about provethyself, and their concerns about gen speeds, so we have decided to nerf pig again, as there has recently been an outcry about their strengths, we have decided to slow down their crouch movement by 3%

  4. this whole video is just a sum up to one thing of hate of echo chamber's which dbd has a fuck ton of i still don't know which echo chamber started that lightborn is op fire a few months back im still laughing about that

  5. I love how brutally honest you are.
    One reason why these things could occur more in dbd than other games is the asymmetrical aspect. Survivors and killers have completely different perspectives on the game and only playing one of the two can vastly shape ur opinion.
    E.g u play against a pig once every 100 games and the few games u play against her they get some kills or maybe they get only one kill but its on you, you think pig = broken.
    Vs u play killer and play a hundreds of games as the pig, you know how useless they can be.

  6. So on ps5 u can actually check wut games people play as killer in the lobby most survivors dont play other games they play fall guys dbd u no mostly party games so when u said they wouldn't survive other games u wer right u should check out evil dead it's so much fun man great video to bro glad to have someone around this game with common sence

  7. Its another example of people today not knowing how to take an L. Its all about "I'm not winning, therefore the game is busted." Makes you wonder how they handled losing in Candy Land when they were 6.

    EDIT: Also, its very, very hard to take complaints seriously anymore. Ever since I heard its possible for people to get paid to leave hateful comments, I can't take complaints on ths internet seriously.

  8. >you will always suck at this game and you need to learn to play it
    I dunno man, weren't you saying that DBD should be a casual game? The people you're talking about are casuals. They have no desire to advance in DBD, they just want to have a good time in the evening. And a lot of Pig players are annoying, relentless tunnelers, so can you really blame casuals for thinking there's nothing they can do about this killer?

    inexperienced people will always have biased opinions, but they aren't completely unfounded. I don't see the problem to voice your opinion to see if anyone supports or confronts it – of course if streamer decides not to question it, they are misleading people on purpose. But that has nothing to do with DBD itself, that's just a streamer being a dishonest prick.

    as I said before, DBD has a ton of things that you have to learn, and not everyone is willing to spend hundreds of hours to learn ins and outs of a videogame. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't discuss it, even if they're factually wrong – otherwise it turns into gatekeeping and turns people away from DBD. So my verdict: if you think Pig is OP, that's totally OK. Unless you're Almo.

  9. I main clown. if someone came into my stream and asked if I think clown is op. my response would be something along the lines of no clown is not even close to op he is bottom tier and list the reasons. the biggest issue I find is most people think the subjective opinion is implied and don't preface it. on the other hand the ones that do the audience takes it as audience takes it as an objective statement with no context.

  10. While I do agree with your point, pyramid head ain’t that far off from top 3. I think the top 5 is nurse blight sprint pyramid head and artist. What’s your top 5?

  11. I remember when I had my GF play my Wraith main for a couple of hours. She lost every game and my MMR went to shit. After she was done, I was playing the game again, and I dominated, obviously (4 hooks, they all suicided). I came across a TTV, and went to view their stream after the game was done, and they were shit-talking me with the other players in the game that went into their stream after the game? (TTV – I wouldn't play like that if I was a Killer, he was the worst Wraith I ever played, even the 5 AFK ones). And, I was thinking in my head, if the game is matching you AFK Wraiths, your MMR is probably so shit that you shouldn't even be playing the game in the first place. I felt so bad for their life at that point, that I didnt even say anything, I just went back to playing.

  12. Do u think pinheads OP? i had a friend also with a similar opinion where he sucks when he goes against pinhead i personally don't think hes OP and demands a nerf

  13. It would be cool to see your stance on what u consider a win in dbd

    For me I consider it 6 hook stages this equals 2 kills , which Is supposedly what increases your mmr so Iv always considered that a win

    I think the whole u need 3k to win is kinda not fair seeing as it’s a 1v4 and favors on survivor side so much more also having a easier objective u don’t think it’s truly fair to say u should half to get 3k or more

  14. You shouldn't let other people's opinions upset you so much. Even if there spreading misinformation it's not going to matter because saying the sky is red is not going to make the sky red and despite people saying pig nerf they buffed the pig recently so clearly there not listening or don't care. Even if every content creator said something it's still just a opinion, facts are stats. Once upon a time everyone was saying the Earth was flat doesn't make it true just because everyone is saying it.


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