[DBD Court]: Stubborn Myers vs. Spiteful Survivor – Dead by Daylight

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this is dumb. the video. i mean the case is also dumb but still. if you harass anybody you are loser.


37 thoughts on “[DBD Court]: Stubborn Myers vs. Spiteful Survivor – Dead by Daylight”

  1. BHVR has means to detect the last survivor in a trial, Myers should just be allowed to tombstone mori the last survivor out of a locker, this achievement is so dumb. I pity the petty manchilds in the playerbase, nothing more

  2. I do not play. I like videogame systems. If victims can hide, without moving or any alteration of position. If the killer doesn't have a system that shows them, or requires a few more steps to see where the last Vic is hiding. Sounds like a very shitty system to use and reinforce as a dev. Thats ass backwards if killers are left no options but to RNG pull. Just my opinion. System needs to be capped if we just wanna start banning players for a strat the devs clearly ignore or have no answer banning out right for strategic play is wrong. Trolling or not we weren't in the Vics head.

  3. Agreed that both players were being entitled. I think it's false though to know someone is going for a trophy especially Myers players but even if they did it wouldn't matter because it's not like killers let you live JUST because your going for a survivor trophy. You can't assume every Myers with tombstone is going for the trophy because thats what 80% of Myer players run. It's either Tombstone or a small percentage will run Scratched Mirror. It's just part of the challenge to get the trophy.

  4. It has nothing to do with whether or not you are going to win it has to do with the fact that Tombstone Myers is overpowered and unfair. I refuse to even play Myers on the basis that my very first game as him as a very new killer I got this achievement in the same match that I got his adept achievement. The only reason I was running the Tombstone add on in the first place was because a person in my chat suggested it. I felt bad after that match because the survivors got no chance to even play the game.

  5. Regardless I enjoy this back and forth I will never give this achievement and when I got it I played against this too. I find it fun you can either give up or not give up. Who cares lmao

  6. It is a survivor fault. As you said, he already lost the game which is REALLY, REALLY HARD AGAINST MYERS DOING THIS ACHIVEMENT.
    if he really wanted to get out of that game he would just leave the locker, but he didn't. He just wanted to be annoying. End of the story

  7. fun fact by the way, i think the killer could have used dropping from shoulder technology to force the survivor to drop from the pier, and as they recover from the drop tombstone them

  8. This could literally be avoided if tombstone allows myers to mori survivors on the ground. This is 100% on the survivor: the killer is actually performing an achievement which while suboptimal is still part of the game, similar to survivors finishing archives which are also part of the game and is not considered griefing/trolling even if they end up doing things that are suboptimal. Survivor on the other hand is doing it 100% out of spite: he was practically dead as the last man and gains nothing by denying the myers his achievement outside of being a cunt. If he thinks killers doing the tombstone achievement is a dick move for some reason, then blame BHVR for making that an achievement in the 1st place similar to how crappy archives are also BHVR's fault.

  9. We also don't know for sure that the Myers got banned for harassment, it very well could have been a different killer that Emoboi faced who did do something banworthy in endgame chat or something. Unless that Myers was the only person Emoboi reported in a timeframe but I have a hunch that he wasn't.

  10. IMO Tombstone is maybe the only thing that genuinely should be removed from this game, and I will absolutely hop in a locker out of spite while there's still other survivors left alive, that said, reporting the Myers for holding the game hostage is like 12 layers of self-entitled stupidity, the survivor can literally progress the game just as easily as the killer can, and when everybody else is already dead you're just throwing a tantrum wasting half an hour of your life being mad about pixels on a screen.

  11. both equally childish, both holding themselves hostage, but tilted more in the survivor being in the wrong purely in spite of letting the killer who obviously won at that point, have the achievement. Funny thing, my old Myers rework doc would've completely fixed this situation while still having tombstone mechanic in the game, but largely changed

  12. The funny thing is that after people get the achievement, they stop having to play like this. If he would have stepped out of the locker, less survivors have to go against this play style. It's literally a trolley problem of 4 people get mori'd, or 3 people mori'd then repeat this trolley problem. The cycle only ends once someone picks the 4, in the meantime every game is full of awful instakills.

  13. Your honor, I'm honestly happy that you've potentially found a new type of content creation that you enjoy. I've been subbed for a while now and I always enjoy watching your content, regardless of what game. It does seem silly, but so was this discussion as a whole. I hope you make more of these and have fun while you do it.

  14. it's entirely on the survivor so no one deserves a ban, but if you're gonna try and hold the achievement then have the balls to not complain. As far as I know the myers didn't complain or report, so he's definitely the bigger person.


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