DBD IS BORING??? | Bran Reacts to TheHotCross's "Is Dead by Daylight Boring Now?"

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#dbd #reaction #thehotcross

End Song: FSM Team – Lucid Dreaming

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18 thoughts on “DBD IS BORING??? | Bran Reacts to TheHotCross's "Is Dead by Daylight Boring Now?"”

  1. Even as someone who usually plays with 2 friends yes🥴 it’s such a stale meta I want to use fun builds but with killers being so oppressive I can’t really use my favorite build empathy/autodidact/renewal/botany

  2. Sorry I have not left a comment in a while, still watched though here and there I would say no it have no gotten boring however if they could and new things to the level/maps here and there it would be nice

  3. Removing DS combined with Circle of Healing and Medkits make it riskier to not tunnel a lot of the time. If I try to hit and run and pressure through injuries and go for multiple chases, they're going to go to their Circle and self heal in like 11s because for some reason it stacks with medkits, or even if they didn't bring a medkit, they still get to heal in 20s or something stupid because 1 person that may not even have been them brought one perk. Combine that with 'there's absolutely no risk to tunnelling because you won't eat a 5s stun for doing it', and suddenly if a survivor uses their BT offensively, it becomes an outright stupid play to not go for them if they've taken aggro like that, because there's no risk of eating a DS after the fact. Why DS needed a nerf to its duration is beyond me. If they disabled it in endgame only it would be fine.

  4. Bran, i just want you to know that i am one of those people who enjoyed DBD as a casual lover of horror movies/anime/games. And everyone and their mom seeming to need the win on both sides every match it turned me off to the point where i just dont play much anymore. I'd rather replay a horror game from the past to have my horror fix then to start up DBD and play it. It's sad, really, because in the past when there was no MMR and crap, even with all the "go kys" or "deaf people shouldnt be playing video games" BS i had to deal with some i at least had FUN. I would have as much fun dieing to killers normally as i did in meme matches where a piggu let me boop and then chased me….or a Trapper who watched me meme struggle in a trap before hooking me. Now it's all "I GOTTA WIN AND GET MY MMR AS HIGH AS IT CAN BE MAYBE THERE'S AN ALL YOU CAN EAT RED LOBSTER PRIZE IN IT!!!!" mentality, and it's just BORING for me to play EITHER side.

  5. took a week from dbd, turned into a few months. came back to this new "meta shift" its essentially the EXACT same game from 2017 with the same shitty gameplay which refuses to change or adapt/innovate. I love keeping up to date so i know when its the right time to come back but i KNOW now is not that time. Back to playing Darktide for me.

  6. I a huge advocate for easoer killer games but in that same vain it's gotta be in a way that doesn't frustrate survivors or is just blatantly one sided nobody wants to sweat their brains out every game on either side but that's what it's becoming I personally don't mind tunneling but it is indeed happening more and more I wish I wasn't so effective and at the same time I wish it wasn't needed to be effective at points what if gens turned off after 60 seconds of starting and survivors revived after a set amount of time and each hook is a point and each Gen is a point the last 2 minutes of the game would activate the gates and survivors no longer respawn any escape is 2 points any kill is 2 points in the endgame survivors get 2 hook states before death games last 10 minutes the side with the most points in the end wins
    Edit 4 people dead at once or all gens done at once counts as a win

  7. I never saw this game as a "win or lose" game. I always just play for fun. It's wild to me that people go so tryhard at this game. I tried to play it again the other day and it was miserable. The community is absolute trash now.
    EDIT: People in this community are so incredibly more toxic than usual.

  8. Your take on banning some 50 minutes to the hour is wild. They paid for the game, so wtf should they get locked out of their game. 10/10 bad take on that one.
    EDIT: The whole, "GO OUTSIDE AND TOUCH SOME GRASS!", also pertains to you, my guy. You get seemingly mad about random shit. Literally, watch your video back and see how annoying and hypocritical you are, as you talk about stuff. Yikes.

  9. Sure it has became less fun!
    It is a logiucal step when you nerf and nerf and nerf and take EVERYTHING out of this Game that is fun!
    What i always said, stop nerfing, start buffing!
    You have a unfun and a fun situation!
    Instead of making the fun situation unfun, they should try the other side.
    But as long as Guys like Otz, Spooky Loopz, Tofu, Paulie, King and Scott are talking for us, this will NEVER happen

  10. 27:20 I just tried this out last night without knowing and not even having 4 gen slowdown perks other than merciless storm which it did not even reach to function at that point and opression which with 3 gens with no progress at all it is in my opinion silly and all 4 survivors were staying alive, i just left a guard defending 2 gens while i stand still on the third, the match went well until that point in which it became a stupid borefest in which took like around 15 minutes more or less while they tried to get me to chase them before they straight up ran to me so i can kill them and move on with the match, it was so dumb i don't wanna be on that situation again


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