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The new chapter reminds me of the Twins update.
There are tons of game breaking bugs right now.
Please try not to abuse them if you can! The Knight bug you can fix which is shown in the video.
All the original posts below! Check everyone out and drop them a follow!
Knight bug:
Twins bug:
Inner healing bug:
Map tile bugs:
Knights not following patrol:
Console bug:
Introduction (0:00)
Twins Bug (0:30)
Inner Healing bug (2:09)
Console cursor bug (2:57)
Map generation bug (3:26)
Knights not following Patrol (4:55)
Knight super Speed bug (5:13)
Too many pallets (7:41)
Final thoughts (8:40)
Use code Potatolegion:
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
Ending Music by: – “Blues”
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
I had a bug, where i summoned a guard, but the guard didnt appear at all and then i couldnt use my power again for the rest of the match
The cursor bug still exists I got it like an hour or 2 ago
Already had a bug yesterday as knight where my power shut off on me, I used my power and the orb just got stuck and didn’t summon the guard and had to play the rest of the game with that loud wind sound blaring in my ear the rest of the match and couldn’t use my ability, couldn’t hear injured survivors and just gave me a headache.
I have had my games crash randomly when I hit a survivor as the knight. Saw it happening to a few others too.
The inner healing thing was happening before the knight released.
I deadass just came from the cursor bug. Hasn’t been fixed at all. Nice job dbd
It's honestly impressive how bhvr manages to break the game every update . You would think they'd learn something by now
This game is so trash lol.
Oh my god lol, that first clip with the Twins reminded me of what happened to me when Dredge first came out and the same thing happened when I went to hook a survivor. I found them in a locker after teleporting and the game bugged out when I grabbed them out in the same fashion, my camera was stuck, my weapon was gone, and my HUD was gone too. I hooked them and the camera bug lingered for another ten seconds before I broke out of it from using his teleport ability. Gotta love this spaghetti code, man.
That console bug with the curser also happens with certain overlays. Happened to me with the discord overlay. No footage just trying to let people aware of it.
There is a bug with the knight where you can use his ability to get out of range to activate make your choice while face camping
Thought it was quality of life change cuz I never cleanses a totem and inner healing just pop, power struggles show aura when being carried by killer (perk describes nothing of tha fact)
1:00 exactly that’s what happened to me lol when I turned around heart attack
cursor glitch is still here. just got it 3 times in a row as nemesis as of today
yo the cursor bug is still not fixed
its so annoying i cant even play
i got stuck as charllote while playing twins. i Could do Anything the whole Game.
I keep getting the console bug this game is in the trenches rn
hi, there is a bug that make it that the knight can face camp you, with monstrous shrine, devour hope and make your choice , with he's m2
Ofc after new patch the game need a hotfix i hope they will add anti aliasing option in the game graphics tab and i love i don t see cheaters like when i started to play again 4 months ago
I just logged out tonight because I was having that bug with the cursor and character locked in place. Killer AND survivor
It’s still broken I’m getting it to this day
I ran across the twins bug even recorded and reported it to BHVR
The cursor bug is so annoying it just eats your addons and forces a quit and a restart of the game the fat shaming sucks but atleast you’re still playing the game
Thank you for talking about Cursor console bug. This is the only one i got until now and i was wondering if it was for every console players the same.
They still haven't fixed the cursor glitch, I've had it happen to me 3 times in a row playing as the killer
I still have the cursor button bug every second match…it‘s so annoying. Unplayable since a few days
3:20 yo I had that bug yesterday two matches in a row