DBD NEW KILLER THE TRICKSTER IS LIVE – Dead by Daylight Chapter 19

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#dbd #IntoTheFog #Trickster
Today is the Release of Dead by Daylight chapter 19 and the dbd new killer The Trickster is live today! As im sure you’ve seen from Tru3ta1ent, Otzdarva, and other content creators. dbd chapter 19 newest killer is overall quite weak. Which is unfortunate, but the trickster is a ton of fun! Over the next few weeks we will be playing a ton of new builds and plenty more of dead by daylight new killer the Trickster! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Trickster gameplay and my thoughts on the dbd Update!

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31 thoughts on “DBD NEW KILLER THE TRICKSTER IS LIVE – Dead by Daylight Chapter 19”

  1. This guy is not as fun as I thought he was, but holy shit his personality makes up for it. I love how he snickers like a schoolgirl when chasing people. If they'd just make it so that you don't have to hit so many knifes he'd be SO much better. Perks that make you faster like Play With Your Food and No One Escapes Death would REALLY REALLY help him.. However, if I want to play a ranged killer, I'd play Deathslinger..

  2. Played against Trickster for the first time today (as I’m sure everyone did) and it was definitely an experience.

    Was a lot of combinations between M1 and using his power with the knives. Since he is slower with the knives throw.

    Also I love his laugh

  3. Honestly I consider him worse than the Clown because the clown had Chase mechanics but lacked generator pressure in map control but the new killer trickster he wax all of that. Making him 115% would definitely be a good start but I can't even come up with an idea at this stage to make him actually a decent character to play.

  4. Trickster suffers from a very basic problem: there are almost no situations where your power is more advantageous than your M1. Compare to Huntress – even if the survivor is burying their face in your body (and who wouldn't want to bury their face in Huntress' body?), it's still better to use a hatchet for the debuffs and the reduced cooldown.

  5. Been going up with nearly all red ranks, quite a few 1s (as in probably most of them have been rank 1s). Mixed bag. I've had matches I've done well, slightly more have been 2k or less. Granted, that's 3 perk Trickster with a level 1 pop and level 2 no way out being the mainstays. I don't have the perks I want on him at a good level yet. He has so many issues. His biggest flaw is that extremely low DPS of his thanks to the insane 8 shot requirement. You can be super accurate with him (and I have), fire rapidly, but it will still take too long, especially if they find a vaulting area. He's just about the only killer that's hard-countered by LT walls, it's so stupid. The reason why vaulting spots are a problem is because his knives can't down them in the locked animations unlike every other ranged or psuedo ranged killer, and he doesn't have 115% to fall back on, so he downs really slow when you're forced to move around the loops.

    Personally, the build I want on him (and think will help him with his issues) is Corrupt Pop as his gen defense (cause 3 gen with a killer with no movement power or secondary map pressure). The Utility being Monitor and Bamboozle. Monitor so that he can give less of a chance for survivors to hold W to the stronger loops, and bamboozle, because if his power is weak against windows, remove them.

  6. I played 3 games before school i whuld main him if he was good and him on indoor maps is so unfun i had to dc to not get mad also i think like you siad make him 115 whuld make him infintly better and they shuld make main event like a oni power and have it not slow you down if that was the case id say he whuld be really good oh and also ive been doing really bad i main demo so i whuld know sometimes

  7. they should make every Killer really strong when they get released so that the players are excited to play him, tweak him a few weeks down the line, but like why would i pay money to play a worse huntress

  8. it's so disheartening to have been one of the people so excited for trickster because of the idea of the knife throwing, to have stashed 2.2million bloodpoints for him, then got my first game in with him and just… felt like he didn't have a power. You're slow to start, then you slow for the windup animation, then you slow for the throws, THEN you have to try to land eight. I had played around with him in PTB with friends and really enjoyed him, but going into the real world where players are more actively evading you and I just hated the actual feel of the character. Not to be a negative nancy because I love this game, but having three matches in a row as a 7and 8 trickster with 3 red ranks feeling like I had less of a power than trapper at ranks where people can evade after being so excited has me not even wanting to sign on for a few days. I almost wish I could just get my money and by bloodpoints back, tbh. And I didn't even feel that way when twins came out. This is something different to me, idk if anyone else feels like this too. I livestreamed him for 2ish hrs, and by the end I was chatting with my friend during it aboutt how playing trickster was making me not want to re-queue in general and just sign off.


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