DBD Twitter Cancel Culture is Overkill – Dead by Daylight

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This video overviews DBD Twitter’s reaction to a moment from a Fog Whisperer named Hale. There’s been a lot of drama and extreme takes by DBD Twitter.

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30 thoughts on “DBD Twitter Cancel Culture is Overkill – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The killer entered his chat with a warm hello by starting off by saying good game and well played. The streamer threw a tantrum and you’re defending him? This video is so strange.

  2. It’s so weird to report on this off of comments on twitter with no likes and barely any traffic and comparing this to Hale’s response and then saying 10 times how it’s just one bad moment and he’s a nice guy

  3. I could see the gg thing but personally I say gg if I se a ttv in my lobby and I don't think just because some people are assholes when they say gg it means you should assume everyone is trying to be an asshole.

  4. Sorry Schmuckles but I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. I'm sure Hale is a nice guy like you said but that doesn't justify what he said to the streamer. He needs to take accountability. Though I don't agree with the slurs the replies used against Hale either.

  5. I agree with the removal of toxic fog whisperers. They shouldn't have that title. He seems pretty high on himself and him getting removed would probably bring him back to reality.

  6. I am the person that made the original tweet And I want to set some things straight. I do not condone or support any of the over-the-top things that I have seen people throw at Hale from this situation. My only argument was that they should not be acting like that if they are supporting the game as a fog whisperer. They have now stepped down so now there's no problem other than me still thinking that they shouldn't be treating people like that. I have already made an announcement on my end and on what I could to try to limit people from my own community attacking them or their viewers. Unfortunately Twitter is a cesspool and there's going to be people that use this as an excuse to be bad people which sucks but it is what it is. I have heard people say that people have been shouting slurs at him and if that is the case then I don't condone that in the slightest. If anybody else has any questions you can feel free to ask me

  7. the only thing this video has shown me is that twitter is STILL the scummy place it's always been.
    fact of the matter is, both parties were in the wrong with certain things, and NEITHER tried to be the better person at any point.

  8. I’m gonna keep it honest, I think this was blown out of proportion by both sides.
    I am friends with Helios and while this might seem bias, looking at it from a small creator POV, the statement “nobody will watch you” doesn’t mean anything to you or anyone else who’s actually solidified in the community. But to us, when we’re just trying to grow its a direct shot and that shit is the most condescending, degrading thing you could hear. Especially coming from someone who’s acting like Hale was in that stream, I don’t blame the people who are trying to cancel him. However, I don’t think Hale should be canceled, because there’s good sides to everyone, and people act immaturely sometimes, and we do things that don’t reflect how we are 99% of the time. I think maybe just a formal apology would’ve been fine, but Hale continues to double down and reply antagonizing the people who are on his case, which won’t help.
    I think the argument of “clout chasing” is completely irrelevant here. This isn’t a weak shit attempt to leech off clout, this is legitimately someone just showing a mainstream content creator being a dick, and I’ve actually spoken to Helios about this, and they are canceling their stream schedule indefinitely because of the “clout-chasing” accusations flying at him.
    It’s not being helped by videos like this that simply just restate things said in the replies in the original tweet. Then to come to the conclusion that you did, it just seems very one note and it would seem that instead of making an actual “analysis” of the situation, you instead just took the opportunity to leech some clout for yourself. Just seems more of a “pick on the little guy” situation that you’re pushing for here, which is really disappointing to see but I suppose it’s expected.

  9. There's no doubt that twitter (especially dbdtwt) is unhinged. That being said, all he had to do at the end of the day was to just apologize. saying he was just tilted 100 times but he's nice 99 percent of the time doesn't justify being a complete dick, bashing their community, view shaming, and demoralizing someone who stopped by to simply say "gg".

  10. I disagree. I don’t think he should be harassed, but I don’t think he should be a fog whisperer. He can stream all he wants, but fog whisperer is in theory supposed to be an ambassador for the game and company. It’s not a paid position. It’s just supposed to be a representative, and just like any public position, if you do something to negatively impact the thing you’re representing, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. When you’re doing something live, that goes with the territory.

    If at Disneyland, a princess got rude with a kid (who just said “I liked your movie”,) and responded, “You and every other kid. That doesn’t make you special,” you can guarantee that cast member would no longer be in that role. That role requires a positive public face. It goes with the territory.

    So I disagree. He should not be a fog whisperer. (But he shouldn’t be ostracized or harassed either.)

  11. I agree that he should not be "cancelled". However, I do believe that him not streaming for a while after this incident is the best idea for him right now. He does need to apologize both personally and publicly for how he represented the game, and how he said that about this small streamer.

  12. Sure he can be called out and people can say "yo thats fucked up he wasnt targetting you, he was just securing a kill so chill out." And arguing with him about his behavior in the moment. Thats all fine. All the gay bashing and talking shit about his personal life though, thats too much too far. None of that had anything to do with what happened between him and the other streamer.

  13. I’m no follower of him, so I’ll take your word of him usually being positive. Getting tilted happens but an apology should happen with how it went down. Streamers get that word of mouth from playing against others too so it should be expected that your opponent could come in and vibe check the stream, smaller streamers live or die by that kinda stuff right? Not calling for a cancellation just an apology and forgive and forget and on to the next

  14. Schmuckles I love ya but man this is not the right way to go about this, DBD twitter can be toxic af, especially with the responses you highlighted, but Hale is 100% in the wrong here and this could have been resolved if Hale didn't just double down and actually listened to the people criticizing him constructively. I understand that you want to defend Hale since your experience with him is probably more positive but you also gotta take into account that if Hale had simply put his best foot forward, apologised and moved on to show the positive side of himself that you know to people to prove that they were wrong would have been a much better outcome.

  15. I didn't know about any of this and the only person mentioned in all of this I've heard of before is Spooknjukes, but I gotta say it's hilarious when people take a jab at Hale being Ariana's brother-in-law when that is like WAY too much info on his personal life. Like, how do you say that's not relevant and at the same time know about it and mention it in a conversation that has NOTHING to do with it?

  16. I dont thi k the move here wasto defend hale. His behavior here plus a lot of other replies he had to other people on twitter were really gross. Imo it doesnt matter how he acts 99% of the time, what he does in moments of frustration is what helps you see how a person truly is. The viewer shame is disgusting. I am disappointed with this video ngl

  17. Honestly a massive L to you schmuckels. Your reoccurring excuse “everybody gets tilted” does not justify Hales harassing a innocent dbd player.. ESPECIALLY when you’re a big content creator and a fog whisperer. Not only that but he doesn’t even have the decency to apologize after it all went down.


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