Dead by Daylight 5.6.0 PTB – New Killer: The Onryo – Perks and Power

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I will be streaming the PTB at 7PM EST over on – I’d appreciate you stopping by! 🙂

A quick video to go over the Perks and Power of the killer from Dead by Daylight Chapter 23, Sadako Rising – The Onryo

Intro – 00:00
Power – Deluge of Fear: 00:25
Perk 1 – Call of Brine: 03:23
Perk 2 – Merciless Storm: 04:23
Perk 3 – Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage: 05:26

The Onryo’s Power is called “Deluge of Fear” which allows her to phase in and out of the Psychic Realm, Project to TVs placed across the map, and kill survivors by her hand.

The Onryo’s Perks are as follows:

►Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage
►Merciless Storm
►Call of Brine

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12 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight 5.6.0 PTB – New Killer: The Onryo – Perks and Power”

  1. I'd say Merciless Storm would synergize pretty well with Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, if only by a little. Survivors repair a gen to 90%, get swarmed with Skill Checks, one of them makes a mistake and blocks off the gen. You manage to down a Survivor and put them on a Scourge Hook, and that same blocked gen explodes and begins regressing. Best part is, it'll most likely be still blocked so Survivors can naught but helplessly watch as their progress goes away the entire time it's blocked.

  2. I think the reverse bbq can actually be better because you can see survivors after you’ve moved and not like bbq where u only see them from far away
    Edit:it’s definitely not the best scourge hook but it’s a pretty good perk overall I definitely believe it beats bbq in aura reading potential

  3. Some of her addons compliment her perks, she has that one where she projects to every tv (like freddys addon)
    And I bet that would pair well with merciless storm, maybe even add tinkerer so you know when to trigger the projection.

    Good video Games!


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