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Dead By Daylight – 5th Year Info, Decisive Strike Stats And LEAKED SKINS (Jonathan Skin)
In Todays Video We Will Be Going Over – new dbd info that contains the 5th year anniversary live stream, the new skins that just got released into the game, and also decisive strike stats plus more content, be sure to let me know how you feel about everything in the comments below 🙂
The King –
Dead By Daylight Patch Notes –
Dead by Daylight | Waterfront Massacre Collection Trailer –
Leaks By Daylight Leaked Skins –
DO Not CLICK This😏 –
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💬DISCORD Name-TreverGaming1738
#dbd #deadbydaylight #update
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In a weird way, I've found DS to be much more effective after the nerf. It being used less frequently leads killers to not expect it quite so much, and they end up falling for it more often in my experience.
Nice video mate
Basically the video from The King…
Still top commenter with nothing no credit no anything 😄😃