Dead by Daylight Animation | New Outfits Render

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Animations Rendered in Blender using Eevee.

These are renders of new skins that came in patch for Moonlight Burrow event for Dead By Daylight.

Audio: Dead By Daylight Moonlight Burrow event theme


48 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Animation | New Outfits Render”

  1. (Disclaimer: I always love the render videos and I’m fully aware the OP is not affiliated with BHVR.) Okay, I know it’s per usual to complain about there being so many Feng skins…but for real, she’s gotten four (4) !!!! new skins in January 2023 alone. Lunar New Year aside, that’s excessive. BHVR needs to be done with Feng skins till next Lunar New Year and focus on other survivors.

  2. It does make sense that Feng got a Lunar New year skin considering she is Chinese. But 3 more skins for her? C'mon…give other survivors a little love ffs.


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