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Hemlo zubat¡
0 views in 37 seconds since upload, you fell off really bad
Engaging in this dialogue is akin to a mental workout, exercising the faculties of reason and analysis.
dnd fans trying to be happy challenge (impossible)
What pants are those for Thalita
6:26 Bots can probably blind you from the back of your head I stg xddd
LOL! (Laughing out loud)
I actually do use controller on pc, but I mapped pallet and locker interactions to a different button.
there is no reason why noed still is an instadown perk… just make it a permanent speed boost like hope, i feel like it has always and will always teach bad mindsets in getting people kills who dont deserve them, and killing people who would come for help in the late game and forcing people to abandon their team even when all odds should be in their favour…
There were more Alien matches in this video than I've had in 6 months
Imagine you are getting tunneled and this happens 1:40. Just kidding don't need to imagine, this happens every other game. Thank God I don't play this horrible game, but watch zubat suffer instead.
The most toxic person I played with in dbd, he camped 2 people, and the last one disconnected. So I looped him for a long while and he finally got one down on me. Then, he just stood over my body for a good few minutes hitting the air, then he finally hooks me and just repeatedly hits my body on the hook.
Terrible at looping, any dumb trick that you know in dbd at looping works on him, I did it all and he falls for them all, he couldn't catch me.
After the game, he just turns on his caps lock and just spams "LMAO", "MAD CAUSE BAD", "EZ", literally 100's of times. I think he rarely wins games so when he does he has to take all his excitement from winning and all his anger towards all his last L's and just put it into shaking his mouse, bashing his keyboard, and typing "LMAO" and "EZ" into the dbd post chat to make himself feel about better about not only his skill in dbd, but make himself feel better about his sad IRL life that's going no where.
LMAO that comment on the steam profile

2:02 Zubat after Scott wrote him first
9:18 why use a medkit anywayssss?
i think you cant use ftp with medkit cuz medkit's addon, they share the same button
1:00 Blight hitting the griddy
jesus that steam comment
10:06 holy copypasta
FTP never worked while healing with a med-kit, it's always been like this
I play survivor on PC with a controller to help with carpal tunnel issues. Though the interactions are mapped to the dame button by default for some unknowable reason, you can change it in settings.
I Love Dead by Daylight for the Hit Box , they are always so Clean

NO WAY OM THE UNKNOWN KILLER at 1:29, I was laughing at that when I was playing
why are you using "blowjob" as a nickname patrick?
What a beautiful day for a compilation video, thank you Zubat
9:36 I'm not the first one to say what? I can't even remember lmao
he read that steam profile comment like a wattpad story
7:04 LOL
DBD reddit really is something else.
LOL! (Leave out lesbians)
Lives rent free on his profile
That skull merchant got you through the windrow 3 monitors away
9:27 why are you using your medkit if you're just going to FTP anyways??
Vault pallet? No. Screen like a girl and run away from pallet? Yes.
servers are dying
My favorite message under my steam profile never fails to make me giggle.
''you spastic windowlicking bastard
you have the brain capacity of a russian foot soldire AFTER getting hit by a drone strike
nemises zombies are more useful that you u absimal ♥♥♥♥''
The most toxic person I played with in dbd, he camped 2 people, and the last one disconnected. So I looped him for a long while and he finally got one down on me. Then, he just stood over my body for a good few minutes hitting the air, then he finally hooks me and just repeatedly hits my body on the hook.
Terrible at looping, any dumb trick that you know in dbd at looping works on him, I did it all and he falls for them all, he couldn't catch me.
After the game, he just turns on his caps lock and just spams "LMAO", "MAD CAUSE BAD", "EZ", literally 100's of times. I think he rarely wins games so when he does he has to take all his excitement from winning and all his anger towards all his last L's and just put it into shaking his mouse, bashing his keyboard, and typing "LMAO" and "EZ" into the dbd post chat to make himself feel about better about not only his skill in dbd, but make himself feel better about his sad IRL life that's going no where.
that first sprint burst looked like cheats because of how frame perfect that proq was
I feel so bad for anyone who plays this game, your life must be so boring