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Hey! Today im gonna be looking at everytime DBD has created a paradox or broken the 4th wall. Hope you all enjoy!
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The weekend – Chillmore
Save as – FASSounds
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It's multiverse, it's confirmed through archives so sadly there are no paradoxes 🙁
I thought it was canon that these are all from different universes, as the entity goes into different universes to grab everyone.
There's also Wekser lobby animation, where he grabs the camera, amazing video!
It’s been confirmed that the entity is a multiversal eldritch beast almost 2 years ago…..
You could also mention that Bill's green flu infection, the RE survivors' zombie outbreaks, and Ash's Deadite attacks would be a weird conversation comparing undead monstrosities.
Another really interesting thing to point out is that characters were taken at different times from different times. For example:
-Steve and Nancy appeared in the Fog at the same time, both being taken from around the same time in their universe. Johnathan appeared after those two had been through hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of Trials, but from his perspective, he was taken at the exact same time as Nancy, since he was taken that same night.
-This is a long one, so bear with me: Nemesis, Jill, Leon, Claire, and Chris all arrived in the Fog at the same time, but each come from different moments in time. Claire arrived having no idea about Sherry, the Birkins, G, Mr. X, Umbrella, or really any of the events after her first leaving the station to the underground area, but Leon got through those events with his own Claire. DbD's Leon and DbD's Claire are from different timelines, leaving Leon with more knowledge of those events than her. Claire and Jill would also arrive still thinking Chris is in Europe, a trip Chris had no plans of even making yet since he was taken from the Spencer Mansion. He hadn't discovered the secret world behind Umbrella yet, so he would have no intention of ever going on that trip, much less over Umbrella, which confirms him as also being from an alternate timeline. Jill would remember the events of the Spencer Mansion and the Raccoon City Outbreak, but Chris wouldn't, since he was taken earlier, which, again, puts her in a different universe from him. Nemesis was taken from the city streets, but Jill was taken from a fake basement made by the Entity, meaning even Nemesis and Jill don't hail from the same timeline.
-With the release of Project W, this gets even weirder. Rebecca is taken right after the events of RE Zero, meaning she wouldn't know Chris like he knows her. He experienced a few run-ins with his Rebecca in the Spencer Mansion, but this Rebecca never got there, also confirming these two of having come from alternate timelines. (This is also really inconsistent because she was taken before meeting Chris, but somehow knows Chris based on the voice lines. Now THAT'S a paradox.) Ada was taken from the sacrifice portion in Saddler's Estate from RE4, but Leon never did the events of RE4. DbD's Leon went to find the headquarters of Umbrella Europe, not join U.S.STRATCOM, but Ada would remember him doing stuff from RE 4. Again, another alternate timeline. Wesker and Sheva were taken at the same time during RE5, both remebering the RE5 Chris. Chris, however, would be met by a mysterious stranger claiming to be his partner helping him stop something in Africa, an event that never happened to him, and his old friend and boss, Wesker, acting like a world-conquering maniac. Chris never made it to the end of RE1, so he just knows Wesker as his dependable senior officer. Wesker would also remeber a long rivalry with both Claire and Jill, neither of which the other two went through. And on top, Leon, Ada, Sheva, and Wesker would remember Raccoon City being destroyed by the missile, which would absolutely devastate Jill and Carlos. SO MANY ALTERNATE TIMELINES, RRRMAGRD!
I really think the entity really is pulling from different universes considering some of the cosmetics like one of Jake's head cosmetics describing it as "if he kept with his rich family instead of living in the woods" already imply some sort of multiverse. Would also be an easy explanation to how multiple of the same survivor could appear in a match
Of course the entity can reach the multiverse how else you explain 4 Dwight's running in the same match🤣🤣
Another one to mention is the Good Guy Doll (Chucky) head on the arm of the Dredge’s doll cosmetic, which is best viewed in the main menu with Dredge looming in the top right corner, watching the campfire.
But yeah, DbD is confirmed to take place in a multiverse, with alternate timelines and realities, which even applies to their original characters.
A lot of original character cosmetics come from alternate timelines and even from different points in their lives, like the ‘old man’ Jake heads.
This explains why you can have an all Steve lobby.
It’s been explained that the Neatitty transcends time, which is also why her recruitment of killers isn’t in chronological order.
3:02 Isn't that corpse Adam (,played by Leigh Wannell)? Gordon never died, but Adam did at the end of the first movie. Gordon crawled out while Amanda came back and strangled Adam, leaving him on that exact spot on the bathroom floor.
Dead by daylight breaks the forth wall :
Them : lets see who you really are >:)
Rips off mask*
Stranger things breaks the 4th wall :
Wesker also looks at the player and pushes up his glasses
Bill comes from a world destroyed by zombies, but nobody else comes from a zombie-infested world. So, yes, The Entity does pull people from different universes.
Wesker also does a 4th wall break by looking at the player and adjusting his shades while smiling
The Halloween movies exist in the Halloween verse
If the 2010 remake doesn’t happen in Stranger Things then maybe a Demogorgon is worth fighting once in a while to not have that exist.
Another one would be that Nancy is watching evil dead 1 on the original nightmare on elm street
you should probably see if you can confirm or deny this, but i remember hearing someone say that "stories" in one world come true in a diffrent world. meaning that its most likely some kind of multiverse. (this still wouldnt mean that characters like nancy or steve would be aware that its actually myers/ash/jill/etc.)
its not a paradox, there is simply an omni verse..
there's a journal entry by the observer talking about how he witnesses a timeline where claudette is more brave and outgoing sorta like nea, and one where dwight is an absolute dictator who feeds people sardine flavored candy.
haddie and mikaela's lore and entries before coming into the game seem to suggest that whatever story or movie they see, actually happened in another universe and there are people who can see or experience these events become storytellers/writers/authors of these stories. who are able to peer into that world subconsciously.
or vise versa, where authors have the ability to create entire living universes, its actually similar to how abc/disney wrote the once upon a time series in the 2000s. where you have one person who can have access to all the different realms, dreams and stories and they act as someone who writes and collects them.
so yes, im not saying it will happen. im just saying its not impossible to have an Elsa like ice queen character in crossover into the game. we've seen stranger crossovers.
multisteve of steveness
Bhvr really be creating an entire paradox just to give feng a cosmetic
Its been forever since I've done a lore deep dive, but I believe by this point the tomes have established there's alternate realities because Haddie was mentioned long before she was added as a character, but she's completely different from how she appears in the tomes. Which wasn't a retcon just an alternate reality Haddie. I'd just go with the multiverse theory of they all exist and are real. To make it make sense could easily just hand wave that the writers for the various movies are able to on some level see into another reality and were inspired to write the movie scripts based on the cracks in realities
The devs have included the fact that stories in a universe can be inspired by anpther universe in one of the tomes
Things don't stop there.
There could be another version of a person like Jonathan o Feng-Min who those movies like Halloween or Nightmare in Elm Street aren't even real or they could even be actual real life events
I think if a survivor sees multiples of themselves, they would surely react to that! And it's possibly canon, but since at the end, whether you die or survive, the entity cleans your memory from that trial, so survivors wouldn't have any memory that they met another version of "themselves"
The Tome Lore does say there's different universes and such, hell, it even has different instances of Haddie being switched between to give different stories of her, and with other characters in the Lore.
Plus another thing with Resident Evil, to get all the characters from the series The Entity would have to mess with between 3-5 different Universes to get all like what, 10 or so characters, cause since each would disrupt the series flow, like Chris being removed from his stops him from being in the later games appearenes and story, and that happens with all the characters, some taken before an entire game should of happened with a few of em.
So the Entity different screwed over a number of RE universes
The multiverse was confirmed years ago and is even intergral to the story of some of the original characters