Skrump, this is the best video you have ever edited. Honestly you are the best in the business BY FAR, I’d say you’ve definitely passed Shrimping. Amazing.
4:36 It'd make Power Moves a bit easier for sure. As well as Adepts because you always have one empty slot. Though I'd say twenty-five percent for one slot with diminishing returns for each other with it being fifty percent at all four.
7:23 I'm not sorry Scott but I bust out laughing at this. You should have just left. I'm always happy to see Survivors get punished with Blood Warden when they don't just leave.
I became fully deaf in my right ear recently, I understand Scott not wanting to play killer. Hearing is critical for the most important part of the game. Mind games at loops. It’s much harder to know if a survivor has left a loop or not if you don’t have vision. And sometimes it’s disorienting, cause you still get a little of the audio from the deaf/broken side of the headset in the good side. So sometimes footsteps sound like they’re getting quieter, like a survivor is leaving a loop, and they’re actually not and just moved further to my right. I pretty much gave up on every killer except the few I can brute force every situation on, and that’s boring and sometimes really frustrating
Nevermind trying to play Spirit. You have a 50% nerf.
Hey Scott i know it was long ago and u prob talked about it already but id love to know how ur surgery(?) went last year
Another good vid, Thank you Skrump
The Hitbox on Dweety was preety good
I read the title like it was one of my Rimworld colonists.
I just got your videos recommended!! It happened!! Woooooooh!!!!
Dude editors have been getting nutty with the edits and scrump is no exception. Loved the video
most relatable dbd youtuber
skrump working too hard out here
Killer walk tierlist when?
hope you’re feeling better after the covid skrump!!!
Awesome Video!! Can you please make a Video with 130% Hearing and Sight too? Would be interesting!
Why does he keep getting rocked by headaches?
8:57 dont know why but this cronch just reminded me of the forest lmfao
11:05 oh no not xenogenesis
Skrump, this is the best video you have ever edited. Honestly you are the best in the business BY FAR, I’d say you’ve definitely passed Shrimping. Amazing.
1:23 Scott weren't you a computer science student?
So when's the walking animation tier list?
4:36 It'd make Power Moves a bit easier for sure. As well as Adepts because you always have one empty slot. Though I'd say twenty-five percent for one slot with diminishing returns for each other with it being fifty percent at all four.
7:23 I'm not sorry Scott but I bust out laughing at this. You should have just left. I'm always happy to see Survivors get punished with Blood Warden when they don't just leave.
9:05 This is a cursed image Skrump. How dare.
9:07 Well, when you have a "Mark" daily you mark anyone you can.
Thanks for the video content Scott.
Thanks for the editing Skrump. Other than the cursed image.
11:19 i fucking know what meme you got that from you fucker skrump
The fact that your editor was able to convey what you were trying to say in that Hellen Keller bit… impressive.
This would be a good format ngl😂😂😂
When you give up and die. Totally normal
Scott out here looking like he stole a hood from a daedric prince and started up the Oblivion Thieves Guild
why's scott playing masquerade?
you mean normal killer gameplay?
Masked Scott is so cute😊
I became fully deaf in my right ear recently, I understand Scott not wanting to play killer. Hearing is critical for the most important part of the game. Mind games at loops. It’s much harder to know if a survivor has left a loop or not if you don’t have vision. And sometimes it’s disorienting, cause you still get a little of the audio from the deaf/broken side of the headset in the good side. So sometimes footsteps sound like they’re getting quieter, like a survivor is leaving a loop, and they’re actually not and just moved further to my right. I pretty much gave up on every killer except the few I can brute force every situation on, and that’s boring and sometimes really frustrating
Nevermind trying to play Spirit. You have a 50% nerf.
18:15 man tries to imitate teen girls making fancams, fails spectacularly
This is how blight players see after stop using Shadowborn
how long will vile scott have these tostitos on the chair behind him in his videos