Dead By Daylight| Chapter 19 PTB is live! Yun-Jin & The Trickster

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Dead By Daylight| Chapter 19 PTB is live! Yun-Jin & The Trickster

Here’s the patch notes

Here’s instructions on how to access the PTB for PC players:


34 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| Chapter 19 PTB is live! Yun-Jin & The Trickster”

  1. phobia: anything that's scary for you, not anything that is disgusting. Calling everyone homophobic is absurd.What Im trying to say is you guys think everyone who dont like lgbt is scared from them. This is not true for many people which says it's disgusting (not scary) so you guys should learn this and not misjudge all people by saying homophobic unless they scared to it. (sorry for my bad English btw)

  2. Welp this is the chapter that officially killed my love for this game and the chapter where I finally lost hope that the devs will ever listen and fix the problems. They have absolutely no interest and km tired of wasting years on a game that makes me feel progressively worse when I play it. It doesn't bring joy anymore and no flashy new things that cost money is going to change the fact that I lost a lot of $$$ to a game that no longer feels good to play. This is a problem. Sorry Paulie but im unsubscribing from you and every other DBD youtuber. You have all been great. I just can see that even you, king, monto, and puppers no longer have the same kind of love for this game in your eyes anymore. Its just a video game. I'm so dramatic. Farewell.

  3. woah the killer says "here we go" before moring and "thank you" in korean after his mori. i like that BHVR included korean into his voice lines. he also says "shit" when he gets stunned lmao

  4. Not even trying to be mean I love the game(I watched this whole thing)..But I just wish they would wait for themselves because We wouldnt mind them not rushing. Them rushing themselves makes it worse in my opinion. But We dont have any new maps or anything just because they are updating every other map. Why make new killers and survivors but stop with new map creation?. .. I would atleast finish all graphics updates before making new killers and etc.

  5. Idk about these perks seem trash doesn't the hex perk seem like it'll benefit the survivor what is the killer get out of using hex perk doesn't make sense why run that perk if it blocks you from the window? If that's the way it is my god who ever thought about this perk needs a award for FAIL… Sooo and the way it looks like the survivor is the killer so it's like cross-dresser? and another personality? I really don't get it what do you think Paulie? * AND WANNA MAKE IT CLEAR I GOT NO PROBLEM IF HE OR SHE WANNA CROSS DRESS IT JUST SEEMS LIKE THIS IS GETTING PUSHED MORE AROUND UNITED STATES SOME AGENDA IDK🤷*


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