Dead By Daylight – Cocky Survivor Couldn't Wait To Boast Over HATCH!

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Did you read my description my boy? or you just ignored all of this? i didnt put all this effort into making this lil description just for you to ignore it my boy. READ IT AND YOU BETTA HAVE FOLLOWED MY SOCIALS AND ALLAT! Jk family i love you and thank you for the support #TUR


40 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight – Cocky Survivor Couldn't Wait To Boast Over HATCH!”

  1. Just got to the end of the video. Keep your head up, family. Your passion shows in the success of your community and brand. Not to be too long-winded, but family(blood or not) not believing in you can be EXTREMELY disheartening. Especially in this line of work. I was streaming and editing and all that for a while. A few months ago, I really got fed up with feeling like my only support was coming from strangers who really only had the slightest idea how hard I was working. That single thought grew into the feelings that made me hang up my headset. I'm gonna go again. I loved that shit, and i have done nothing, compared to your achievements and what your potential holds for your future. I would sincerely hate to see anyone rob you of all of this, because it's not how they would do shit. Grimd harder, my nigga. If that's possible. Show them who the fuck they talkin to like that.
    Lil pep talk over. Much love, bruv.

  2. Take it easy brother it's never easy when people expect other things from you while you want to do something else it's strong to stick to your guts and do whatever YOU wanna do the people who support you in that will only make you reach higher one step at a time.

  3. The artist is nice. The birds can sense people in lockers so you dont have to check. Line it up and toss them through the locker(s) you think they are in. Killer instinct means they in the locker.

  4. I love how Jay is trying other characters recently and realising that they are actually quite good
    Edit: TUR family till I die Jay. You can slow up. You don't have to post every day, the real TUR family viewers will keep coming.

  5. I was wondering where you went, I’m glad you’re okay and taking some time for yourself 😊 I hope the rest of your days get better and you rest as much as you need to ❤ Love the TUR Family

  6. Survivors: wait at the exit gates 3 minutes

    "Is fine, just a game"

    Killer slugs for 3-4 minutes. Those survivors

    "OMG toxic, how dare you. This is why dbd is dying. Cheap tactic

    The entitlement is real

  7. think the way the birds work is at a certain distance they do damage even without any birds on them anything beyond that u ave to ave the birds on them first then the 2nd set of birds will do damage, but godam are they annoying to get rid of lol

  8. Jay, I know you love huntress, but when your going to play as a new killer, you need to start reading all add ons to yourself before you start streaming and playing, that way I don't have to hear you complain!! And you need to change up the perk load out, there are way better killer perks now than there was!! Start taking the time to read perks and add on's for whatever new killer other than huntress that your going to play!!!


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