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#DBD #Gaming

GimmsRant #90 – Today I explain why we should have more respect for BHVR interactive and the space within the gaming industry they have created for us and many more companies to come.


📜Twitch Schedule: I stream MONDAY to FRIDAY 7:30PM – 10:30PM GMT U.K TIME.



About Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.




  1. I get that BHVR have done good in the past and setting a hell of standard in the asym/horror genre, but my anger at them stems from how it feels like they took their success and then turned their back on me as a veteran player who played since launch. Their whole business model became to draw in more and more new players while not trying balance the game in a way that feels fun for vets in the higher brackets.

    I still love the game, even though I have quit playing months ago, and I wish to return someday, but only if I feel like it's worth it. I've got over 5,000 hours, spent hundreds of dollars on their DLC and cosmetics. I just don't feel like they want 'me' as a player anymore is all. I know it sounds entitled, and maybe it is, but I really do feel like I'm no longer apart of their target audience.

  2. I just want dbd to hurt a bit so that the devs have competition. Their stuck in their cushy safety net with a monopoly over the 4v1 genre. Do I want it to die? Hell no. I love the game, and it's potential but bhvr need to get a bit burned by competition. I mean NET EASE is doing better with dbd by giving custom moris to killers and giving SICK menu animations. The dev team at net ease are amazing, I've stated this since I first played Identity V. Identity V does so many cool things like crossover skins, events, a ROTATION for characters on the roster that changes daily. Bhvr could learn some stuff from NetEase.

  3. Saying the game deserves to die is way too much. Yeah the game can definitely be infuriating at times and the devs make very bad choices, however there's still some good things that can be enjoyed

  4. I love dbd in all it’s “glory” and excited for this new game too I don’t see why we can’t do both lol you said what we’re all thinking when we read those comments. What losers!

  5. The only person who's job I wanted taken from them was Patrick. Not completely fired, but demoted at least. I have no respect for someone who speaks to people the way he did. We're not children. Don't patronize us or talk down to us or treat us as if we're stupid. It's also been shown that while many other devs under him as well as the Fog Whisperers gave ideas on how to improve things from a Dev stand point and all of that had to be accepted or denied by a lead dev.

    I also have my own theory about why I don't care for BHVR. It seems that every time another Assym game that closely related DBD was being developed and in betas, they all suddenly got DDOS hacked. I obviously don't have proof, but I just find it a bit suspicious. Soul Dossier & VHS to name a few. Anytime they gained traction they suddenly get a DDOS hit.

    If DBD goes down, it's because of leadership. I appreciate the little people that work there. The artists, music dept. and others who do the little details and such. If I could just support them I would.

  6. I'm looking forward to Dragonball: The Breakers. I don't think the issues are near as bad as people meme it up to be… its like people can only think in absolutes, competition is good but I still wanna play DBD.

  7. Well said Gimms, couldn’t agree more💯👏🏼 And I feel u on the wrestling part too. Even tho I don’t really watch wrestling anymore as I used to, I still have a soft spot for WWE no matter what. R.I.P Razor Ramon(one of my favorites)

  8. I’ll support Dbd, but I’d being lying to say it’s not imbalanced and there are other games that look more fun.🤷🏽‍♂️ I wish it well, they have the connections and recognition in the gaming industry, but the fact that some concept videos and Dbd mobile Net tease look more cooler/balanced, make’s me feel like Dbd has so much unused potential. :/ Doesn’t make me wanna spend my time as much on it. And a unhealthy neglected community that turns on each other because of game imbalance and exploits, is what even makes it more chaotic/toxic. 😮‍💨😒😓💯

  9. Amen brother DBD has succeeded where a lot of other games have failed in this genre. They have gotten some amazing licenses multiple times and have lasted longer than a lot of other games in this genre. Just in the year and a half I’ve played there have been a few “DBD killers” that have come and gone with little fanfare to be never heard of again. So while the game has many issues it also succeeds in many places and for the most part with the exception of SBMM it’s still fun to play for the most part IMO. Sorry I had a little rant too lol

  10. People have become selfish and will not understand how much has gone into this game whether you like or dislike it dbd has done amazing things for gaming and horror as a whole even if it doesn't feel like it right now.

  11. Hey you put my comment up about the game, not bad. It's funny how you only put half of it and not the other reply with me explaining why I feel that way. But it's you're video so I can't do much about it. Even after watching this video my opinion doesn't change. I believe I did mention that I hope they stay on top if they're willing to prove they deserve it. You said that my comment pissed you off, im sorry you fell that way. Everything I said about behavior was nothing but facts sure maybe it was a little too harsh but truth nonetheless. If you'd like to make another video about my comments you have my permission not to blur out my name. I stand by with what I said. You can sugar coat it all you want but everybody knows that the game is a mess. If you really believe that they're the king I can't wait for them to prove it. You can delete this comment if you'd like I just hope you read it before you do.

  12. I think more so it seems bhvr has grown too comfortable and don't listen to their community so to some bhvr needs a wake up call and the only way to do that is to stop giving them money

  13. Man, I’m hard on DBD cause I absolutely love it. I think it’s fair to say that it’s core gameplay is fun. The aesthetic is great. The killer roster is wide and diverse. It does so much right. Yeah it definitely has its issues. SBMM reduced game health a ton and the killer and map balance can be horrendous at times but every online game VS other players suffers from these issues to an extent. As of late, it’s been a bit better. Starting to listen a bit more which is good to see. I’m hoping with the Evil Dead game, VHS, and the upcoming TCM game, it pushes BHVR to put a good effort into making better decisions but I guess we’ll see. Really hope all of these games thrive but DBD will no doubt always hold a special place in my heart.

  14. This game is great. It just still needs work. Especially on killer side. But once its fun to play killer again… people will start playing again. I do agree though. 2 wrongs don't make a right. No need for toxicity💯

  15. Why should i respect a company that doesn't respect its fans? I mean just look at dowsey. Removed him as a fog whisperer for simply daring to criticize the game. Petty af

  16. I used to think did should die but they fixed the hacker situation, they nerve coh its more tolerable, etc they made changes I wanted to see my opinion and feelings about did have changed now I hope dbd lives because I always believed in dbds potential if the devs catch onto it. I do respect dbd for what they did for sure I love Playing killer I love it I just hated how they favored and babies 👶 survivors.

  17. The only good thing DBD created are bonds between people. Even a terrible game can still be fun with friends. I've met many great people online through DBD, many of them from different countries all around the world. We are still friends with passion for gaming. That is all that matters. Some of these people I've been lucky enough to meet in real life. I may not play DBD as much as I used to, but even without DBD friendship endures. Plus I got to know amazing streamers like you MrGimms, Tericho, Tru3, Otz and others whose content I will always enjoy watching.

  18. The larger issue here is this is what happens when players of a game start to develop a resentment or even hatred toward a game or its developers. So basically, I blame the devs for this once again for not creating a better more inclusive game. It's not exactly a small minority of players that are like this either, there are plenty.


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