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So yesterday the devs did an interview with who is owned by CBS/Viacom. I think they’re probably talking about the upcoming Chapter 19 with the press circuit right now, but this topic of new mori animations came up and published this article separately entitled “Dead by Daylight Creators Have Considered Adding New Memento Mori Kills Many Times” . Let’s read through it together.
Here’s the article if you want to check it out for yourself:
So what do you think? Would you be more or less inclined to buy a customizable mori for a killer compared to a cosmetic? Let me know what you think about the idea of adding new animations in the shop to buy.
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So yesterday the devs did an interview with who is owned by CBS/Viacom. I think they're probably talking about the upcoming Chapter 19 with the press circuit right now, but this topic of new mori animations came up and published this article separately entitled "Dead by Daylight Creators Have Considered Adding New Memento Mori Kills Many Times" . Let's read through it together.
Here's the article if you want to check it out for yourself:
So what do you think? Would you be more or less inclined to buy a customizable mori for a killer compared to a cosmetic? Let me know what you think about the idea of adding new animations in the shop to buy.
Thanks for watching!
Ebony Moris are useless nowadays and while I do enjoy the animations, I would not pay for it. They should add more emotes for survivors and the abilities to pick which ones you want. Some would be serious and maybe some meme ones.. That would be nice.
I would like to have the First Person Moris to be 3rd person!
yes we want sir
Most of em are good, but dang, trapper, wraith, hillbilly and pig moris just need to be buffed
Considering moris are essentially only usable with hex devour since the mori nerf, it would literally be spending like 500 auric cells for either a little time more or less on a Mori. Which is still implying you don’t just hook them instead of mori-ing them. All offering moris are at this point are just stylish ways to get around decisive strike.
Hello Paulie
I mostly want emotes getting teabagged all the time is boring I want variety from the survivors attempting to mock me
It would be groovy if ever time you prestige a killer, you gain a new Mori animation.
I never understood the backlash for Moris, they are so fun to see! Its so much better then dying to the roach arms on the hook
Paulie: talking about moris
Ash: having his entire existence ended over and over
Man it would be so awesome to have more moris to choose.
It would be nice to be able to buy mori animations and emptes with shards. Make it cheap though.
They definitely need an update. Graphics are dated and need to actually be scary/gory
Id like to see Trapper and Wraith get legit moris.
New ash cosmetics
I just want more gore, I WANNA SEE GUTS!
All that said, you thinking about bringing back the Artistic Mori Project?
I would def pay for new moris. I feel it would def liven up killer side a bit more to see new death sequences play out
I buy way more killer cosmetics and the idea of new mori is great but to be honest idk if I would buy them it all depends on the killer and what the animation is. Personally I would want to see more dismemberment with moris 😅 😂. But if the moris are cool and are not as short as Freddy’s mori yeah why not
I think they should just update some old moris for free… They were able to make completely new survs animations for free, why would I have to pay for moris then? And the survivor ones weren’t even that wanted, a lot of people actually hated them (and still do it), not like the moris…
I would buy a mori if it was available in iri shards only
What are they beating up on my boy Ash for? Like what did he do wrong?
Personally: I would.
I play a lot of killer and Moris really feel like the ultimate payoff, and the ultimate showcase.
If I buy a skin my first thought isn't to play with the first person, but to see *the mori*. It feels like the most killer-y moment. A point where you can really shake the survivors up because they fear being mori'd most of the time.
I'd want to use that Mori on every skin, to see which ones look best on each skin.
If they added new ones for Demo, I'd have 5 different matches per mori to test out, and would probably use different moris for different skins regularly.
Even better, add the option to select multiple moris and have the game choose them randomly between your choices.
Paulie pls I'm trying to sleep 😄
You should have different options like Friday the 13th game
I buy some of the cosmetics for killer but don’t spend as much as I do on survivor cosmetics it depends I’d buy mori if I liked it enough but would prefer some in the battle pass
As a survivor main, I'd pay money for emotes.
Then the killers could have their Moris too. 🙂
Tbh I would buy em if there very good
Well… if the moris would be really cool and personalized for each killer (and not generic ones) and if they are not that expensive like some skins…then yes, ill consider to buy the coolest or for my mains.
What i need now is to put NOED as Killer Offering.Another alternative for MORI.Killer have to choose those two.DBD Dev will reconsider this😒😒😒
Moar Moris!? I supported F13th DLC content and would have thought emotes probably also have been considered, hope it happens!!
true dat, i play killer more, but i have more cosmetics on survivors. most of the time i only buy weapon cosmetics for this very reason.
Hell no that sounds just like with Friday the 13th dead trash fix the queue times
Imagine if instead of each killer having an alternate mori animation the devs made something you could buy to essentially make your own mori and you could assign moris to seperate killers. Mathieu did say they could do all kinds of stuff to it and it affects little of the game so imagine some funny mori animations like Legion performing a copy of Scorpion's X-ray from Mortal Kombat 9
Buying new moris for killers? Nah, I think I like the Idea of each killer having to fulfill certain conditions in a match to grant them the ability to perform their unique kills.
New moris would be a good idea but why have to buy them I don't think thats a good move since most of the characters who you'd want to see new moris from are the licensed characters you have to buy anyway I think making you buy the new mori after already buying the chapter and or killer would be greedy and dumb
They need to buff moris before they even think of doing this
throw them in the archives, I'm tired of all the pointless charms
Hello Paulie !!
I probably wouldn't. I mean im more interested in how well the game is working and less worried about spending cash on a 15 second cutscene. Though i think the idea is neat. It would atleast add variety.
i would buy just the weapons cosmetics
Different animations for the moris would be cool and interesting, also gives another type of reward to earn maybe from a Rift as well?
If they add/sell new mori animations now, I would honestly never use them 99% of the time (I don't use mori offerings, and I run Hex: Devour Hope occasionally). I would like to see the devs incorporate moris in a different way to base killer gameplay, with it being fair/balanced as much as it can be (some people have said to make the yellow mori offering base kit, for example). It would be then, that I would justify spending out of my own pocket/using my hard earned iridescent shards on the new moris. But that's just my personal take.
Also, as a player who plays killer and survivor equally, the way I see it, is that if I am on death hook and gonna die anyway, why not have that cool animation instead of always (99% of the time) just have the standard hook death.
I think it would be cool if you could do like environmental kills like in Friday the 13th
Moris are kind of pointless now and I rather run a pudding for an offering. 5k hr Killer Main
I dont like micro transactions so im not fan of the buyable moris… but tbh if I want more moris, not paying for them would be kinda unfair for the art team so… I dont like the idea but if they are gonna do it I would buy 1 or 2 for my favorite killers
I would like new Mori animations for the original killers like Trapper, Wraith, and Billy. Their moris are bad. The rest seem fine to me so no I don't want to spend 10 or 15 bucks to get different moris that I'll basically never see lol. The mori changes to the three killers should be a free update
That would so cool if they added more mori animations. Kinda like apex legends where all the characters have 3 different finishers