Dead By Daylight Event Sparks BIG Debate…

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What are your thoughts on the two pieces of drama? Do you think farming is ok? And what do you think about making the year 4 and 5 stuff available to everyone?

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vlog youtube: @KatherinePan
outro soundtrack done by @real_ImJustTy on twitter!

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22 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Event Sparks BIG Debate…”

  1. Yeah, seems like that larger streamer tried to get their community to massreport. The whole "wink-wink nudge-nudge, oh I didn't do it, the viewers acted on their own after I showcased their name."
    If I was playing the game, and a "teammate" did that to me, it would make me want to stop playing the game. I mean, this is not like spawncamping in a PVP game, this was going against your own team. Many video game companies have implemented rules against this, typically under "Griefing" because it negatively impacts other's enjoyment. It can also be "Cheating" because they are unfairly getting the rewards. That being said, if DbD has no rules against it, I would expect it to keep happening.

  2. Seems like an average dbd game to me- people being jerks and complaining on twitter.
    Here's my 2 sense from the perspective of a player who has a little over 600 hours: all of my "farming" games have been super fun and are usually the survivors and killers dicking around and not taking the game seriously. Survivors will still do gens, and killers will still hook people. HOWEVER this is usually under a mutual agreement that isn't being spoken, and is usually communicated by actions (ie killers smacking gens or pallets). You can disconnect from the game, the only downside is you get a 2-5 minute penalty (where you cannot join a game during those 2-5 min) and you don't get your blood points. This seems less like farming, and more like teaming up with the killer which is a bannable offense. A player dcing from a game isn't a bannable offense. If a player doesn't want to farm and wants to play th game normally, then treat them that way.

  3. Me hoping Kat-senpai notices me…

    Also ngl, does she ever sleep? I swear everytime i wake up theres a new video and new chisme for me to watch. Katliente here quicker than waiting on new seasons for Novela’s 😂

  4. I don't have hundreds of hours in DBD because its just not my kind game but I do occassionally play with friends, but when I was getting into it ( Killer main ) I would farm if the survivors wanted to. I'm also that type of killer who is goofy and fun and not a sweat (unless you wanna be toxic to another survivor for no reason). I'm not very good at the game as killer or survivor but I try and make games fun for the others I am with , wether its as Killer or Survivor.

    Side note : Also @katliente where did you get the smores plushie because I think its super adorable and totally want one for my office/ game room.

  5. Bruh the farming drama is so stupid farming is so rare outside of bloodpoint events you gotta be a miserable person to want to ban farming its genuinely harmless srry ur game didnt go how u wanted it to go but most of ur games wont be what u want in general in dbd, farming is a godsend after frustrating sweaty matches too fuck this guy for shitting on something so inconsequential

  6. Farming is generally okay, but some players would rather just play the game– which is valid. It's technically reportable since the killer is cooperating with other survivors. Mikaela is def in the wrong though for body blocking & working with the killer, which makes both the killer & the Mikaela reportable for their actions.

    EDIT: I do think the guy went overboard by sharing their info on Twitter to do a mass report when one report with a recording of the match would work fine. If anything they're giving Behavior more reports just to look at the same offense over & over again. Sounds counterproductive considering there are reports of cheaters all the time in this game & they could be focusing on that.

  7. I have hundreds of hours of DbD on the ps4. When it comes to farming, while I think it's boring, it's not a big deal. I've had a few killers that wanted to farm and I would help them out in game and it wouldn't take no 20 minutes. It fact, I've had a lot of farming matches that were shorter in time than normal games so farming isn't always going to take a long time. But it is boring as I do enjoy playing the game as it's meant time.
    As for the code for the hats, I got them all on the ps4 but after I moved in with my boyfriend a few years ago, I stoped playing DbD on the ps4 (couldn't pay for the time for both of us and I have a gaming laptop so he got time on his ps4) So I am now waiting for Cross-progression to get all the characters and things I had on the ps4 to pull them to the pc. However, that code to get the hats was nice. I got all the hats that I worked hard to get before on my pc right away. While I understand it is annoying that people can get it for free, new people started playing since then so it gives them a chance for them too.

  8. Farming for blood points isn’t a necessity in dbd to unlock event things – doing challenges is. Very different tasks lol personally I hate farming for points I find it so boring. I don’t mind if other people want to farm, but don’t hold me hostage and not let me leave the game – that’s when it annoys me the most 😂 I mostly play dbd on stream only and I enjoy playing the game normally. Even if I get all the bloodpoint that doesn’t make it more enjoyable for me

  9. I understand that u are not a dbd player Let Me explain (i have over 500h):
    She acted like a rat – she deliberately helped killer to kill her teammate, blocking him from running away. Thats the worst think anyone can do in game. Along with tbaging when someone is down.
    About the free stuff: Its very hard to Get special stuff in dbd, and most of the time u have to pay for it with money. Then they will give it for free bc players dont want to play this game, no one gives f for it, either u play for 20h+ or u have to pay with money. Players are angry and want to leave so they are giving stuff for free. And the players that spend that time to Get it – wasted time to Get "special" stuff that others can Get for free.

  10. I rather befriend the killer, and let them damage the gen I'm working on or hit me here and there than full on force other people to help the killer farm. NGL there has been times, that the killer full on ignores everyone but one survivor, or they are friendly in the beginning and then go full on predator on the last minute letting one person live and escape or go for the 4k. But the few cases I have seen farming, is when there is only 2 survivors left on the map.

  11. you earn more playing normally and even losing sometimes vs farming. i totally get wanting to farm bloodpoints but theres other ways to do that and not have to befriend survs

  12. This was not a clip of Farming, this was a clip of Griefing, It is Bannable and Reportable. If Farming takes place it should allow ALL survivors remaining to Escape, not choosing between them, That is where the differenciation exists.
    Anyone that does not want to farm in this situation can always ask to leave the match by getting hooked. Of course some killers dont recognise when someone is asking to leave, but that is a side note.

    On your other point. The reason people are upset about the crowns is there is no way of showing other players that you are long stime supporter and veteran in the game except through cosmetics. The prestige level of your character means nothing so the Crowns were a sign that you were there in whichever year they came from.


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