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TUR Family. TURn up.
momma! jay uploaded😎!!
Why is there no sound?
Cant you play against bots during the PTB?
Yo Jay, idk if you’ll see this but I just gotta say, you are my inspiration to wanna start streaming on twitch. If somehow I ever get a good following, I’ll be sure to give credit to you and the entire TUR family. Much love fam
Would a xenomorph work in this game or the predator?
Hope all is well
Ooo can't wait until you figure out how to play him correctly, read his power Jay trust me. His pods are camera's that infect the same way nemesis, and Wesker does, you can only teleport to infected survivors. So you gotta pod them nonstop, also you CAN shoot the survivors, they just have to be infected. Once they are infected you can shoot at them and just keep on them relentlessly unless they have an EMP, which is what shuts down your power. It's why your camera was red when you went into it, it got emp'ed. the green sparks around you after a teleport is overclock mode, while in that mode you are faster, vault faster, break pallets faster and if they try to stun you, you break the pallet like spirit fury and can just continue the chase.
Okay his power is that when you infect them you can teleport with those pods….or shoot them with your power to teleport
After he teleports he gets Overclock mode for short time and during that time he gets built in enhanced brutal strength, superior anatomy (vault super fast), and enduring spirit fury….that's like 7 perks for this killer
i really hope jay plays the new killer a lot
New map is garbage for killer cause you don't know where you are or where you're going & the main building is extremely survivor friendly.
Bro do research on how to play him before judging. I get that it’s a first impression, but you’re just shooting yourself in the foot going into it blind like that.
I love this killer's power and the mori looks sick but yeah his perks does suck LOL
Why is Jay is giving dad vibes 😮
My impression of this killer…I felt like I was playing metroid. Easy pass for me.
This reminds me of obsidian fury from pacific rim
Once you learn this killer you gonna POP OFF.
You can attach a pod then shoot them directly.
Cross map pressure through the cameras.
Green is good, red is disabled camera.
When you have the green spiderweb effect on screen you can get free spirit fury, enduring, and a small boost. If you break pallet using it then you get a decrease in speed that acts like a stun but not really.
The new killer is hard….. Wait- ne- nevermind. He put those big balls on walls and then shoot you with it then you can teleport to them using the balls or shoot them when they have one. Ehen you teleport you get overcock mwaning that you do everythibg faster and pallets break on your fish head. Survivors gor EMP that destroy all fun for 60 seconds and are infinite and make themself, not even needing to touch the 3D printers they are getting from and everyone hates it so most likely it will get nerfed. Also so you don't camp those balls shoot and teleport you slower around hooked survivors
Can regular people use singularity or is this exclusive to like content creators to give feedback for when they release singularity to the masses.
ok TUR rookie you for got about the EMP for those fnaf cameras bruh
Its definitely not an S teir like a nurse or a blight that can use blight techs. But it’s a pretty fun killer to play, if I had to class it, it would be an A teir killer probably 🤷 the killers pretty versatile at what it can do only downside are the emps that spawn pretty quick and the fact that survivors can rush the emp boxes and make the process quicker to cancel his powers. Also Larry’s treatment center or Dr.’s map is truely the worst for him. Even farm maps were better than on Larry’s for me at least.
Why you gimme that jumpscare at 6:33 ?? 😂😂
Honestly, on the PTB I avoided the new map most of the time. I have issues with colorblindness on most maps, but on the new map, it is almost impossible for me to track Survivors because of all the colors used and how they just blend together for me.
Amazing Killer once you understand their power, but I hope they redo the map for them, because I just cant handle it.
def would like to see more gameplay. i love my bbg huntress but im really hoping to see some singularity content i can def understand why u didnt do knight or skull merchant theyre mid af but this killer seems fun
Love the video Jay and I think OLD map offerings should be disabled during the PTB. I find it dumb survivors will bring OLD offerings during the PTB when you are TRYING to test new things out. Make it make sense lmao.