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Songs in the video:
0:21 – Ye Olde Piano Roll – The Fly Guy Five
1:28 – Just Don't Get Enough of Me (Instrumental Version) – Mindme
4:15 – Louisiana Boogie – Helmut Schenker
7:32 – Italian Barista – Magnus Ringblom
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Where my video?
Tom and Jerry ahh scream at 6:46
I laugh out loud every time I hear that "pretty good job so far"
More please my good sir! Keep up the good work!
never stop being funny ochido, and i hope you have a wonderful day. thank you for making mine and others day brighter with your superb memeage
Was that a speedhacking ghostface versus a speedhacking survivor?
Man, I do love when this community, survivors and killers alike, can band together and unite. It's heartwarming. I kinda want to see who won that duel…
Oh sh-
That was hilarious!😂
7:34 Yees I missed the JOB! moments 😂
Q le pasa al gil este con los usuarios de control?
4:51 It would’ve been even hilarious if he just accidentally stepped into the trap with Homer’s scream and “DOH!”🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wow, just wow, at the start they try to be sympathetic and give hatch but fail and than later it shows someone else is like "here crawl for hatch" only just to take it away again, talk about failures of humanity
Jambon fromage ❤️
0:50 bro has 0 ping
Is that a good job I see
Dunno if that knight was a controller gamer, but he was sure bad. Typical knight main
4:20 That One killed me AF 😂
7:00 doesn't feel worth (again) to be in a Funny Random moments video. 4 gen left and 2 survivor dead, we can actually know that this guy Camped/tunnel them like that. And as we can see, she camped the leon, wait for him to unhook with the Antiface camping system and then kill him. Not funny. We want to see actual funny moment, not trash gameplay
Pretty Good Job so far!
I am a controller player and whenever someone tries 360 on me they still get hit😈
2:16 Legit saw this happen as a killer earlier. Walked right past the survivor that got screwed over to chase the other guy
Okay so that knight missing all those hits doesn't mean every controller gamer is bad lol stop the ignorance. 😂
7:00 is stuiped tho your editing actually makes it a more better like 4 gens come on
Cheater killer: don't worry I only Hunt cheater 😂
Cheater survivor: helpppp
U gave my clip the thumbnail last video so I’ll forgive not using any of my clips this video
The huntress at [6:33] was me 😅
Ghostface is a hero
Nice Video 👍
Only 39k views in 17 hours, man Ochido fell off. 😂😂😂😂
2:09 yeah had the exact thing happen to me before. Its funny cause otz once said it should only heal 1 health state. So even with server lag she should be injured not healthy