Dead By Daylight: Gaming's MOST Toxic Community?

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Over the years, Dead By Daylight has earned itself a pretty terrible reputation for being gaming’s most toxic community. But is this a fair analysis? Or is there more that the playerbase has to offer?

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0:00 Introduction
0:41 How Did The DBD Community Earn This Reputation?
2:37 Why Is The Community So Toxic?
6:21 Why This Isn’t The Full Story
7:49 A Few Positive Highlights Of The Community
9:20 Conclusion

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36 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight: Gaming's MOST Toxic Community?”

  1. The toxicity of the community is what made me uninstall. Specifically one incident that made me just realize how out of had it can get


    Story is that I was in a solo Q (survivor) and within the game I had unintentionally sandbagged a fellow survivor. I made up for it by saving the survivor off hook and taking a few hits for them afterwards when the time for it came. We all got out but in the end game chat I apologized again to the survivor player and they instead got VERY angry with me, told me to "unalive" myself. Jump forward to off of the game and I got a message from my Aunt through Instagram saying "Do you know somebody by the name of [REDACTED]?"

    I didn't recognize the name but TLDR it turns out this survivor who I had accidentally sandbagged tracked me via my Steam profile to my Instagram (which I had linked in my Steam, not anymore) and found out which friends I had were family members. They told her "I will find you, r*pe you, kill you, and dump your body where no one will find it. You have Ben to blame." I apologized to my aunt saying it was over a video game and gave her a quick lowdown of what happened. I ended up getting the account name and blocking all of said accounts on every platform and also my aunt reporting them to the authorities since they possibly lived in the area.

    Don't know what happened to them but that situation made me uninstall realizing how far people can go over a mistake or disagreement in a competitive video game. Dead by Daylight is a very fun game, but as the years have gone by, I have seen more negative than positive from the community. I thank folks like Aaron Duke, SpooknJukes and OnlyDaz to call out the folks they do and bring awareness to the overall community that people need to be better. I still love watching my friends play DbD and I love the overall premise and gameplay loop of it still to this day, but I am hesitant to return to it myself now knowing how far people can take it.

    Stay positive and friendly to one another, everyone!

  2. im a survivor and killer, im iridescent in both every 13th. and i just want to say how much i love this game, and the amount of friends and people ive met, it’s priceless. i love this community and will continue to play and spread love until grumpy losers stop playing💗

  3. The downside of me playing dbd is i do see it as a competitive game, but im not a competitive person and im just here to have fun and play with my favourite liscensed and original characters xD

  4. It is crazy how easy it is for me to hop on killer, play skull merchant, and immediately have 4 people begging me to end my own life. But tbh put anything as horrendous as skull merchant in any game and you'll get the same thing happening.

  5. Apex is Worse 🤣 way worse and im a 6 year player of Dbd trust Apex takes the cake

    Edit: people who Play both sides equally like me are the Tru3 dbd players who understand the frustration of BOTH sides and usually do not par take in these debates when we know what changes are solid and what are not people who “Main” one side are just ranting with only Half Info And Half Experience

  6. I started playing around July 2020. I had friends playing but I was hesitant because I heard stories of people being mean. I finally got it and one of the first games I played a survivor yelled at me for not taking a hit. And I later played tombstone Michael (didn't realize how tombstone worked) and a survivor told me I'm the worst. I was like geez. But I kept playing because I had fun when I didn't have those interactions. The game can be frustrating and I've experienced the frustration. And you never know what someone is experiencing IRL that they then take into the game. Even yesterday I had a survivor tell me I purposely denied him hatch which was not the case and he came into my chat on the defense but we talked it out and we are good. He was lovely and apologized to me for being upset. That wouldn't have had a happy ending if I didn't treat the situation with kindness and actually listen to him and likewise with him listening to me. Players need to take accountability for their words and actions in end game chat and outside the game. And players need to know their own limits. Took me sometime to listen to myself. If I'm getting upset at bad match after another I turn the game off for a bit. Everything will be ok if you need to stop playing for your own sanity but people need to take accountability when they become toxic. 3100 hours later…I've memed and played in tournaments. I still thoroughly enjoy the game even with all its faults. I like the game which is why I play. People can play how they want in game but be accountable for what you take out of it too. In the end it is just a game❤ I will say I've met some wonderful people through DBD who I consider dear friends.

  7. Before DbD i played CS, League, Smite, Fortnite and a few other pvp games. I genuinely believe that compared with these, the DbD community is like kindergarden compared with high school in terms of toxicity.
    Most DbD players just don't realize it because we are too stuck in an abusive relationship with this one game to even try other games anymore.

  8. I watched DBD for over 2yrs before I played it, since it's such an interesting game to watch. And whenever someone says "THIS is the most toxic community" I laugh. I'm part of SO many forums/pages from a multitude of games & every community says they're the best or most toxic lol.

  9. Hello, Aaron! I've been watching your videos for a few months at least, now, and you've quickly become one of my go-to DBD channels. I love how fair your videos are to everyone, and the care you take with more sensitive topics.

    I dunno if you'll even see this, but I wanted to humbly request something for you to cover? I've been trying to talk about it, but I don't have a following and I'm getting absolutely nowhere in trying to bring attention to it (and, ironically, the last time I tried to bring it up on Twitter, someone turned it into a "they don't care because they coddle the Killers" thing, which COMPLETELY missed the point).

    I've been trying to bring awareness to the fact that the new heartbeat feature for the Terror Radius doesn't work well enough for some people, and how the red meter they had added to Spine Chill was a far better option for them. I know the Spine Chill update was only supposed to be temporary, but it tremendously helped me as someone with audio processing issues. The heartbeat doesn't work as well for me, and I'm back to the same problems I had before with not truly being able to gauge the distance of the Killer. It's more confusing, and a distraction, than it is helpful. It also doesn't really help much if you're in a locker to know how safe it is to come out of hiding. I know that I can't be the only one that feels that they shouldn't have taken an accessibility feature away (even if it was supposed to be temporary), nor can I be the only one that found Spine Chill to be exponentially more helpful.

    Really, I'm just trying to start a dialogue about proper accessibility options, and how there should be options because one size doesn't fit all needs. However, like I said, I don't have a platform and only my friends watched the video I made about it 😅

    If this is something you would be interested in covering, please do! If not, I totally understand. I just figured it didn't hurt to ask! Thanks for reading this if you do see it 😊

  10. I don't really understand the reputation when the toxicity is so easy to avoid. this game has no in game voice chat that detriments you if you shut off. you don't have to look at endgame chat and if you're in a Discord and people are giving bad vibes, you can leave. I used to play Overwatch and I still have a vivid memory of me leaving voice chat on because I was playing healer and having a dps player yell at me, like, literally scream, for reviving the tank instead of him. plus there's no chat box in the game either! I remember playing MMOs where you'd have just harassment popping up on your screen all the time while you were just trying to play. none of that is present in dbd. it's only toxic if you yourself choose to engage in that behaviour. also unless someone is literally holding the game hostage I just choose not to view any player decisions as "toxic" either…I'm not in their head, idk why they chose to play that way or maybe they made a mistake. I can't count the amount of times I led the killer to my team on accident just trying to get away. if you choose to be salty and overcompetitive and assume that was on purpose, that's a you problem. Cutting off toxic people helps too. After I did that my time with the game was pretty good vibes. Even had lots of players bring bps and let me escape when others DC, being friendly/slowing down snowballing games to allow both sides to get points…the game was only toxic when my own mindset was toxic too. expect a bad time and thats what you're going to get every time.

  11. I almost suggested this game to my brother when he asked about it. I’m not scared of someone else being salty with him, I’m scared for the other person that decides to talk crap to him 😂

  12. I cant play killer because the bullying will infuriate me. I tried using ghostie once and i had a swf with flashlights and flashbangs. I ended up slugging them just to end the game.

  13. while I do agree the dbd community has a lot of toxic people, i’ve had a lot of positive experiences. i’ve met some of my best friends from the game & have met them irl too! i have gotten more positive messages than negative ; but that may be because i’m console so no egc? maybe i’m just lucky! however the toxic people i’ve gotten are TOXIC… like will not let anything go ever. block and move on is my advice :p

  14. I'm going to be honest. In all of my nearly 600 hours of playing DBD, I've never had one toxic end game chat. Annoying games? Yes. Ppl being rude? Yes. But toxic? Never. I just thought I'd share some positivity to let you guys know that there ARE good ppl who play the game <3

  15. The only reason for this level of toxicity in this game is poor game design and balancing causing frustration to either side and devs taking years to address core issues, while introducing more "fun" only for one side changes. Toxicity is the result of a much bigger problem with the game itself.

  16. I wouldn't say this game is any more toxic than any other game. You pointed out the us vs them that this game has but something that goes along with that is that this game is just filled with sore winners and losers. When survivors stomp a killer or beat a killer they just don't like they will stand in the exit gate for the full 2 minutes waiting to t bag them. When survivors lose the killer is a tunneling, camping piece of shit even if they didn't do anything. Killers will intentionally bleed out survivors if they couldn't catch them till the end or will do it to, I guess, assert dominance over the survivor. This mind set of if I win, I must rub it in their face but if I lose, I must tell or show them how much of scum they are for beating me has really just killed my will to play the game.

  17. I just had someone message me telling me to ask for a refund for wesker because I quote unquote “Got Destroyed” while I was trying to complete challenges.
    Like who does that?
    I got two at the end, the one who messaged me one other were down.
    I hooked the one that messaged me and the other got out. So I secured my one survivor kill.
    I asked him why he felt the need to try and make people quit playing had it been someone who was just having a bad game or just trying the game out.

    Never did get a response.
    Edit. The team was obnoxiously t-bagging and clicking flashlights as well.

  18. It’s crazy how people can say that the DBD community as a whole is toxic. Tbh I’ve seen more positive things from the community than I have negative things.
    FPS games are strictly worse with their communities. It’s rare that I find a game as an AFAB and LGBTQ person where someone is NOT being actively misogynistic or homophobic towards me whenever I join voice chat in Overwatch. Even if nobody else has a mic, people will be just horrible in text chat. Even on the goddamn enemy team. I didn’t do well one game and someone on the literal enemy team said “you’re definitely a woman” to me, continued to say horribly misogynistic things and you wanna know the worst part? There was only ONE person in there who confirmed to have reported him. Everyone else blamed ME, told me I was sensitive and when I cussed them out then proceeded to say “you’re taking it too far”. I really don’t care what their opinion is, though. I am NEVER going to be nice to a homophobe, misogynist, racist, etc. If dbd wants to see a truly toxic community, play Overwatch or COD.


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