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In this video I provide you with some informative Hag gameplay. I got some crazy value with Franklins Demise in these matches. I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching (:
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Granny can do some good cooking with that salt 😎👌🏾
Pro hag always
Cant believe I caught you so early
''Gen a fan, you're sweating'' Well get a bucket, you're crying
Midwich is definitely best map of hag and trapper
Yoo love your content. The more I watch your videos the more I learn. Hag is so underrated!
My fries need some of their salt
It's always so funny to me seeing survivors with flashlights feeling super confident in the beginning of the match and then dropping like flies a few minutes later lol
I love the hag gameplay, Hag is my last character in the game to get and I’m at 6k iri shards, I didn’t get her because I used to play her on console but now I’m addicted to her again
its always killers fault KEKW
Greed, entitlement, salt=survivor mains. Dont forget the survivor rule book if theyre not having fun youre a bad killer
I am starting to like the had, any builds you recommend?
I always thought that granny was terrible, you might change my mind.
Wait not toxicfox LMAOOO
Are you saying flashlights are problematic?
love the ttv’s instinct to be salty 🤣🤣🤣 it’s in their nature
I checked two last vods of this ttv, in the second where he played demo and got 1 kill he complained that a survivor with ttv in their name teabagged him at the gate, and asked why did they have to be so toxic. The irony.
It's not a they, them or their. It's a she, her. 🙄
As an aspiring hag player I love seeing and watching other hag mains do work! Hopefully I one day can reach your level of skill💪
I love how nowadays having fun in a game equals being sweaty. It's not the killer's fault they suck that bad.
Love the content man keep up the good work 👍🏽 I subbed
I love Dead Dawg for Hag. I usually set my my web in main and the 2 gens in the middle. As usual, the granny brings the salt!
What is it with hag mains using franlins?(I am a hag main and I use it) I feel like if you play hag you just have to have Franklins
Glad to know not to go to that Twitchy from the first match. No hate for them at all, but seeing their first interaction be: Oh, we cannot do what we want vs this killer, lets give up, into salt that wasn't even called for, nah, not going to support that unless they improve. Great content as always Negoose, keep it up. You're one of the content creators that pushed me to keep giving killer a try. Love the content, keep growing. You diserve it
Most underrated dbd YouTuber + #1 hag worldwide