Dead by Daylight Huntress' Lullaby [Full Version]

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The full version of the Lullaby of the Huntress from Dead By Daylight.
Rearranged by me.

I imagine what was going on inside the Huntress’ mind at the moment of losing her mother. Dread, desperation, sadness. Loneliness.

The background image was made by me. You can see the full res image here:

I very well know that it’s not very much after 2 years but hopefully you’ll like this one too!


44 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Huntress' Lullaby [Full Version]”

  1. The start sounds like her mother and Anna playing around like mother and daughter in the woods her mom humming the lullaby and holding Anna's left hand while Anna was skipping along in the snow holding her stuffed animal in her right hand listening to her mother's sweet voice as her lullaby ecoed through the woods. Anna and her mom rest upon a tree looking up at the stars, Anna resting in her mother's shoulders with a smile holding her stuffed animal close to her, her mother wrapped her arm around her Daughter and smiled, she picked her up in her arms and as they walked towards their house Anna's mom humms her lullaby to her as she carried Anna to their home. then at 1:18 that's when her mother was fighting an elk to kill for dinner for her and for her daughter out of desperation and hunger but the elk did not focus on Anna's mother for long It charged at Anna with eyes of death and antlers as sharp as hooks, Anna stood in fear and she was too scared to move, her right hand slowly let go of her stuffed animal her mother ran as fast as she could she pushed Anna with all her force out of the beasts way, Anna shrieked and fell on the white snow the elk impaled her mother but her but she didnt go down that easy, she grabbed her hatchet and crushed the elk's skull with her hatchet swing after swing anger fuled her and gave her the strength she needed the elk dropped to the floor and her mother fell to the ground. Anna being behind a tree rushed towards her mother. After that the music becomes calm when her Mother opened her eyes to see her daughter right by her side, tears falling from her daughters eyes her mom put her hand on Anna's cheek and wiped the tears away, now lowering her hand to hold Anna's, they both looked at eachother… her mom humming the music to her Daughter smiling and holding her Daughter's hands as she fades away… her hum echoed through the woods. Anna cries resting her head on her mother's shoulder crying screaming in pain to all to hear her sorrow. She lives in the woods to be just like her mother hunting small creatures then large as she grew older doing what her mother taught her, how to survive. Anna puts on the hare mask that her mother hand crafted for her and dissapears into the fog

  2. Even after losing her mother, poor Anna still hums the last tune she heard from her mother, clinging onto what was once a happy life..
    She sings this calm melody to remember the faded memories of her mother's love, but instead, it brings fear to anyone who hears it..
    The children who go to those woods which once birthed a monster, can sometimes hear the desperate wails of an abandoned girl, crying for her mother through that song…

  3. i wanted lullaby asmr there was no good and ever since i played dbd for the first time in 2019 with 5 of my friends we played customs all the time the first time i played killer i chose huntress i absolutely got lost in her lullaby and fell in love with it

    edit: forgot to mention i fall asleep to it now every night

  4. Actual amazing music that tells a whole story in such a short time! I hope you don't mind I've used this as music for my dbd animation opening. I would have asked first but I found this while editing and got too hyped


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