Dead By Daylight, Im Being Targeted By Hackers

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Dead By Daylight, Im Being Targeted By Hackers . Been trying my best to enjoy this game and continue to produce content on it but the way things are just continuing to get worse. I’m so close to being forced to just finally stop playing dbd once and for all.
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40 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight, Im Being Targeted By Hackers”

  1. I think everyone should retweet this to Coté twitter too, maybe all the other high profile BHVR members by retweeting to them in mass and on the official DBD twitter and on BHVR twitter it would become to hard for them to ignore this.

  2. If Mathieu Cote doesn't get our attention within 30 days about this shit, I suggest the entire DBD community should just quit playing the game no matter how much they love DBD in that way he and Behaviour will go out of business.

  3. Sadly they won't help a brother out unless it makes them money. They are literally some of the greediest dirt bags ever to exist. They are solely motivated by money…no passion at all. But who knows maybe they'll FINALLY do something after 1-2 years of hackers slowly getting worse and worse lmao.

  4. "hey he was saying to kys and calling me slurs on steam and twitch"
    BHVR: "Sorry not our platform not our problem…deal with it loser"

    honestly what a sad lazy company…

  5. I get that their own vacation but this issue should have been dealt with 1st week of this happening. Seriously this company is getting as scummy as activision

  6. “We hear you Jay, we will nerf Huntress into an M1 killer, we feel she is too strong so because of that people have no choice but to hack you, so we hope this change helps diminish the hacking for you, and we apologize for any inconvinience, we hope you come to us with any more problems and we will nerf killers accordingly so that the games will be easier for them and they have no reason to hack anymore, please remember though, try not to mod your icons otherwise we will be forced to give you a permanent ban”

    with all the labors of our love – BHVR

  7. Personally I couldn’t give less of a fuck for people using slurs, I’m very much pro free speech but when you are clearly harassing people, that’s where the line is crossed. Really have nothing better to do.

  8. Behavior seriously gotta get there stuff together stop giving us cosmetics focus on the matters at hand for petes sake fix the game deal with these hackers like dam nobody gonna buy your cosmetics if they are all sick and tired of all the mess goin on

  9. My God, how this game has fallen!! This is absolute BS, man. You are literally everyday getting HIGH KEY harassed and what has BHVR done? The sad thing is: there is no indication on BHVR to start taking any of this shit seriously. They’ve let it fester for too long. I just don’t have faith it’s going to get better. This is shit, man.

  10. I mean, they steal stuff from other Asymetricals why don't steal how they deal with this problem? Soul Dossier literally bans them, then publicly shames them on their steam profiles and forums so everyone can see. Once the hackers started realizing this, there's been fewer and fewer updates to the list because they now know they can't get away with it and everyone can search their profiles and block them immediately. IMHO that's a better way to deal with it then to just not do anything. Unless their game is suffering that badly financially that they just let it happen so they can keep making money. That tells me a lot about the mindset of BHVR and what they put above everything else…j/s

  11. I see what your problem is but there are some counters to them for one if you still have your PS4 just turn off cross play and there the ultimate counter ik you want the cross play experience and you can just use your PC for other games ik on PS4 you get them salty message but you gotta agree it better then hackers at this point

  12. TBH the guy, who insulted you, was most likely not a hacker. Being an actual hacker requires a very functional degree of intelligence, that this fine specimen obviously didn't have. What he had instead was the required money to buy the scripts and new accounts needed – provided by actual hackers.

    The most "hackers" in DBD are not hackers, but script kiddies, who pay 2 win or pay 2 troll.

  13. Behavior Interactive has to be one of the biggest jokes in gaming. Even hated companies like EA and Ubisoft try to deal with hacking on this level, Behavior? Well, the store is working 100%, all is well.


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