Dead By Daylight| Is Boon Circle of Healing still good with a 2nd speed nerf? Or just run self care?

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Today Dead By Daylight announced one additional change coming to the mid chapter patch next month, and one that we will test in the upcoming PTB (Public Test Build). It’s a change to the perk Boon: Circle of Healing, reducing the healing speed bonus even further. Now has this perk gotten to the point where you shouldn’t use it anymore? Let’s discuss how this nerf in the healing speed changes the healing speed times and what they look like now post changes!

What do you think about the proposed changes for Circle of Healing? Love it? Hate it? As a killer main have they addressed your concerns with the perk? As a survivor have they made it not worth your time to find a totem and set it up now? Let me know what you think in the comments!

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36 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| Is Boon Circle of Healing still good with a 2nd speed nerf? Or just run self care?”

  1. Today Dead By Daylight announced one additional change coming to the mid chapter patch next month, and one that we will test in the upcoming PTB (Public Test Build). It's a change to the perk Boon: Circle of Healing, reducing the healing speed bonus even further. Now has this perk gotten to the point where you shouldn't use it anymore? Let's discuss how this nerf in the healing speed changes the healing speed times and what they look like now post changes!

    What do you think about the proposed changes for Circle of Healing? Love it? Hate it? As a killer main have they addressed your concerns with the perk? As a survivor have they made it not worth your time to find a totem and set it up now? Let me know what you think in the comments!

    Thanks for watching!

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    If you buy any DLC or auric cell packages on Epic Game Store, you can support my channel by entering "PAULIEESTHER" in the creator tag box when you complete your purchase. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Or use my link here:

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    What's that symbol in the corner? That's my "Fog Whisperer" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Here's the list of the Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this Dead By Daylight official website article:

  2. For a solo survivor this nerf makes no sense with the finding a boon, setting it up and hoping it doesn’t get snuffed before I can heal especially with hemorrhage changes happening soon. Self care or even better, my favorite recent buff, Built to Last, with a good med kit will be much better.

  3. Yeah, as long as this boon provides a minimum self care to the team: you got a good perk. I don't mind the radius but the unlimited use does make this trouble, especially with multiple boons. However, that is time on bones and not on gens and such play can lead to a sloppy mistake.

    That said, I don't run any boons. I take "We'll make it" or "We're gonna live Forever". Perks that are always in effect if I make the play and not just "if we're in the area of effect" and the killer didn't snuff it already. Also, Boons make No Ed stronger cuz no one wanted to break bones due to CoH. CoH is good, but too troublesome for me.

  4. I love how every good survivor perk keeps getting nerfed until it’s useless, because killers do nothing but complain if they don’t get their precious 4k every single game. It’s honestly childish at this point how much they cry about literally anything a survivor does. I almost only play soloq and that experience certainly keeps getting worse… so that’s just nice.

  5. I run boon circle of healing but not for myself. I always viewed circle of healing as a community perk rather than a self perk. It also helps me to figure out if killers are running NOED. Killers who run NOED tend to ignore boons. They let them be. Not always but majority of the time they ignore boons. I tend to bring in med kits for myself and for quicker healing of slugged survivors. Inter Healing is the best healing perk. As long as Iron Maiden isn't an issue. As long as you view circle of healing as a community perk instead of a self perk. You can still justify using it.

  6. I would bring coh as a team perk depending on how my games were going, I'm a solo querer. I would bounce back n forth alot running it bc I would have trouble finding a totem to bless. With this nerf it just makes it ok, but not worth using imo. I'd rather just run the same ole stale meta perks 🤷‍♀️. Side note: a new map would be cool

  7. 70% was fine the thing that hurts killers most is boons being able to be placed back to back without any cooldown.. Boons should have same cooldown as Oppression perk.. 120s after boon gets snuffed (not after placing.. cooldown should start after killer snuffs the totem). may be they can tone down the numbers. Ppl say it only takes few secs to snuff it as killer but that few secs makes all the difference .

  8. You're forgetting you have to find a totem 1st.. adding that to the time will always make self-care faster, plus you can self-care anywhere, instantly, without being seen by the killer.. if you're injured, you're risking getting seen by the killer while searching everywhere for a totem then you have to bless it & then you have to heal, all the while the killer can snuff it out in a second, plus other survivors may need to do totems for challenges or to counter noed, which leaves no totems left at all.
    Also, there's nothing more annoying then at the beginning of a game, you're on a gen, someone is down & another being chased & the 4th is running around while healthy, looking for a totem to bless, I've seen some games be over so fast because they wasn't actively progressing the game.
    I've played since day one of xbox & still yet to see a better, safer, more convenient way to heal than self-care.

  9. Man they really don't want to just change how boons work huh? Just give them a cool down after being snuffed or make them have a limit to how many times they can be re-blessed or even both ideas. As a killer main, I really never mind the boons in general when og circle of healing was released and I didn't really think that it was op. What are op about boons is that they can just go bless another totem while the other 3 survivors go do gens in the mean time. At this point nerfing circle of healing is the survivor equivalent to "so we decided to nerf the pig" ect jokes

  10. I play with my friend and she loves the boon and at the beginning of the match she is just running around looking for a totem every game. There have been times where our whole team is getting recked and we're all on death hook and she's still just looking for a totem (or another totem after the boon gets snuffed). Boons are huge time wasters and nerfing them is just going to make survivors stop running them and go back to using a yellow medkit with charge ad-ons. This nerf is a buff imo.

  11. Another ridiculous nerf boon It must be like totem Of killer, killer if surv broken not put another hex and surv must same, if killer broken bye bye totem impossible surv must have 5 perk this is a good nerf not like this

  12. Another killer perk. Never liked it to begin with. Takes long to put there, is easy to find and killer can kick it in literally a second. It only works if the killer is super bad and ignores it, which is rare in this mmr.

  13. Then boons take a long time to set up and can be snuffed out in a second. There won't be any point in boons if they you only get a one time use. Them taking a long time to set up and they can be snuffed out in a second. Not sure what the answer should be with boons.

  14. B:COH as had a rough history , it's almost like the Dev made a huge mistake even giving us the perk in the first place :/
    >Was disabled soon after it's release
    > Nerfed
    > Now getting NERFED AGAIN
    > the fucking hermmorage rework is gonna ruin it too

    but also fuck self care dude , i'll just bring inner healing instead :/

  15. Well another perk I paid for getting nerfed into the ground 🤦🏼 back to using selfcare a FREE perk. I’m never spending money on this POS game anymore. Nothing ever stays the way it is when you buy it

  16. Still a super good perk and more inline with other perks. Anyone who thinks it's bad doesn't play the game enough. I think it's comparable to inner strength in a way. However way better as it's unlimited and everyone can use it. (you can still stack other healing speeds onto it keep in mind) Go try Botany and HC it's still quite potent or HC and a standard medkit.

  17. It's not the boon coh nerf that bugs me as much as the lack of meaningful killer nerfs. Honestly, when are they going to nerf noed? And are boons really such a problem when survivors can be found near them healing/trying to evade? Also plague, nurses calling and hex undying counter boon coh users. This constant nerf to survivors is way too much.

  18. If it's down to 50%, it's basically a worse version of Self Care now. At least with Self Care, you can heal anywhere. With Boon, you gotta find a totem and it takes a few seconds to set up THEN heal afterwards.


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