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Has Dead by Daylight lost its scare factor? In this video, we dive into how the game has evolved and why it no longer feels like a true horror experience. From the introduction of new mechanics to the shift in player dynamics, we analyze what has changed and whether these changes are for better or worse.
As I am making this video, the latest chapter is called “Tomb Raider”, featuring Lara Croft. She is not a horror character!
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Okay but what about Nicolas Cage?
Are you just horny when making this?
Lara is absolutely 100% fine as a dbd survivor, they even chose 2013 Lara which is an even better fit
Some other characters and cosmetics however…
She dont need to be. Shes not a killer, she is a survivor, and there is no discussion lara is a great survivor.
I'm just happy they regularly add new content.
bro dbd never was an horror game since you play 3 games in survivor you just understands what you need to do and finish
They need to make a scp chapter, it’s free domain, and they have thousands of scp’s to choose from
Wow, are you forgetting about Dredge, The Unknown, Spirit? Dead by daylight was meant to be a Hide n Seek game, but the devs shifted the game to be a "Hall of fame" or "Hall of horror". I personally think Lara is good there, if you know the old games you know she went through horror/scary thing, thats good. About the speaking of survivors, that is also good, this actually adds the immersion. In the voice you can hear how scared they are or how happy they are to be there. That is part of horror. The Trickster and Skull Merchant not being good enough for horror is dumb. Horror doesnt need to be so scary/ slashy. We have Tiffanny, Chucky, they are older horror characters, but their movies are comedy horror, Chucky is happy to be a killer. The Trickster is happy to be a killer too, he loves to do that. Skull Merchant loves to hunt and kill too, that is a horror too. The Trickster shows modern day horror, things that are real. Skull Merchant does it kinda too. So, yes, all the characters have the place in there. All the characters (killers/survivors) fit into the game. It may not fit into the original idea of DBD, but it fits into modern day DBD.
mate dead by daylight has not been horror for a long time it's only horror when you face a ghost face
every single update theres some basement dweller somewhere to make an unoriginal commentary video about how "dbd is not the same anymore" or "dbd is not a horror game anymore" "dbd is broken now". OH MY GOD THEY ADDED LARA CROFT?!?!??!!?!?! THIS GAME IS LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE! Noone cares. 12 minutes of straight mindless yapping
I definitely prefer the darker maps
I literally dgaf
Hey guess what, it never was
I'm fine with lara being in the game. It's just some skins that break the whole theming for me. Stuff like bunny legion, elephant clown, and all the half naked survivor skins aren't horror themed.
I've been playing for a very long time it has changed so much but so has my play style I've evolved with the game it's still a great game to play
My unpopular opinion – nothing actually prevents you to play more immersive either as survivor or killer.
Lot of videos about Ghostface, Michael or silent Billy – is a solid proof. These guys have their fun, and I'm having it too.
Sneaky and risky survivor plays (don't compare to usless reworked Distortion abusers sitting in dark corner)
Stealth killers (with significant changes in gameplay or gameplan, such as not playing for winkills, but just to get some jumpscares and have fun about it in postgame chat)
People just strict themselves too hard cause of all these "LOOPING KILLER FOR 20000 YEARS"
It's just crazy how it's easy to make fun with this game if you just TRY it without your imposed feelings about how game SHOULD be played
I even made a guide once about playstyle of stealthy immersive killer, but it didn't get too much attention, sadly. Now it's just outdated(
if you reading this comment while searching a match – stop. And try to play a match for YOURSELF. Not for kills, not for escape, not for win. Just play it like it's a horror movie, and somehow it could work for you in the same way, how it works for me. Switch perks, switch side, switch killer and made your own scary movie, you surely have some instruments for it.
Thank you, if you will try. That will make our community better
yall are dramatic af the identity of dbd is still there and fine :l
It hasn’t been a horror game for a minute tbh