Read more Dead by Daylight ➜

This is part 1 of short series of my playing DBD with Prod and Lost!
Let me know if you ever play the game and what is the best Killer in your opinion!

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  1. Ok a few things for you to improve because i get it, you haven't seen nor played the game before:
    – Pallets are the most important resource for escaping as survivor as these structures can stun the killer
    – Always watch behind you and try to move the camera around you, there is a button that allows you to move the camera around the survivor
    – If the killer is not chasing you or the killer is not near you, DON'T throw the pallets just like that, the pallets don't regen and, unless you have the perk "any means necesary" the dropped pallets won't be reset and will stay down
    – Read all killer's powers, perks and add-on's, as learning what the killers do and how they can alter their standard kit is crucial for survival
    – 75% of the game is recognizing what are the build from the other team. As you're on a SWF you can tell each other when you see or recognize a perk or add-on
    – Most toxicity comes from survivor side as they think they're entitled to a special treatment from killer side, even though in the game doesn't say you cannot do these actions: tunneling a survivor, camping a hook/area, "disrespecting" unhookings, using NOED (acronym for a perk called No One Escapes Death), etc.
    – learn how to loop properly on every tile. Even if the game generates randomly these structures in the maps, there are always some types on them, and learning how to buy time for your teammates is essential for escape
    – In survivor side, escaping is a W for the person, not for the team

  2. That huntress was definitely not a Smurf account lol. Another thing to note is that toxicity in DBD is from words not gameplay. Getting mad at gameplay is usually what’s makes a small amount of streamers for DBD made fun of within the community. If you want to see for yourself SpookNjukes channel makes videos like that. I hope you have fun in DBD! P.S. If you want to see a top tier huntress look up coconutRTS. He is a huntress main I think.

  3. I ended up buying this when Pyramid Head was put into the game, and he is still my absolute favorite killer. Can't wait for Wesker to come out so I can put a bunch more hours into this salt mine.

  4. Oh boy. I played this game when it was released a couple of years ago and only had 3 killers at that time. I trap camped/ hook camped my rank up easily. The amount of salt was pure gold

  5. Yeah this game is definitely tuned towards the killer intentionally but that makes sense. It's really fun to play with friends though. Especially if you guys are working well together with good communication. You can pretty much kite the killer in a big circle. The hardest ones to face in my opinion are the dredge and Michael Myers. Michael because you can't hear him coming until he's in your butthole. Also I'm glad I'm not the only one that shouts wiggle wiggle. Lol

  6. I love this game so much. The first time playing without knowing anything was the funniest and scariest experience I've had with any game. Whenever I play killer though I try to let everyone escape without being obvious, I'll hook em 1 or 2 times each depending how long it takes the others to save them the first time, and I only try to kill everyone when they leave their teammates for dead, or if they refuse to run away like they know I wasn't going to kill them then I make an example of them to get the others to keep running. Just to have a line they can cross and give them a good game.

  7. The more you play this game the more you'll hate it. Refund it if you still can, you'll thank me later.

    Also, best killer to play as imo is Deathslinger. Pretty fun to hit some nice shots.

  8. I tried to love this game but l can't in it's current state the killers just feel too overwhelming and l like to play just survivors so yeah that's why l stopped playing.. Game is changing and l sent countless mails to support team and hope if Devs change the game l will come for sure^^


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