Dead By Daylight |Left 4 Dead| Full Chapter Concept

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What if we got a full realized Left 4 Dead chapter in Dead by Daylight?
Introducing The Tank and Coach along many others.,

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Second Channel DustarooToo➝

Music➝ Left 4 dead soundtrack and @WhiteBatAudio

0:00 Run or shoot?
0:26 The Full Chapter breakdown
1:39 Quick Character and Lore Refresh
4:12 The Tank |Power|
6:36 The Tank |Add-Ons|
9:17 The Tank |Perks|
10:38 Coach |Perks|
12:02 Cosmetics For Tank, Coach, Bill & Others
13:20 The Map |Dark Carnival|
14:41 The End Of The Video


20 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight |Left 4 Dead| Full Chapter Concept”

  1. I'd love to see a Smoker skin for Gunslinger, a Hunter skin for Demo (They are both, afterall, very loud and screamy bois), Spitter skin for Plague, and then our boi the TANK as a new actual killer

  2. The tank design you posit here is sort of a weird hybrid between huntress, clown, and wesker. It has wesker throw, but does not have the dash and requires getting into melee range first- but gives you alot more control, and can be used to break stuff.

    The rubble toss is like a hatchet- except it has a longass windup (even longer than slinger's ADS or huntresses' breathing) and you can't move while doing it; I also can't imagine it has nearly so small a hitbox as a harpoon or a hatchet. It then leaves a clown-esque hinder field that comes with a blind (but doesn't need to be reloaded- just has a cooldown) and can break stuff.

    The thing that really makes this guy special is the climbing mechanic. No other killer does this (yet)- and it'd let tank outright ignore several kinds of loops; not to mention get a height advantage to throw rubble from. But it's also really really map dependant. Maps that don't have alot of walls or objects (Oddly enough- this means most indoor maps, as all the "walls" lead immediately to a ceiling that would block the tank, with a few exceptions like the desks in midwhich or other small minor obstacles). The rubble will also struggle ALOT on indoor maps; having few if any angles to ever toss it from. The 10% hinder hardly makes up for the loss in distance if you don't actually hit a survivor with it (and that seems unlikely except into bad survivors or in incredibly open maps with few places to hide).

    It would also open up a shitload of gamebreaking out-of-bounds glitches that would need to be patched up, likely requiring some modeling overhauls for most maps.

    Even if behavior COULD monetize it, I doubt they would ever actually go for this design.

  3. Coach: "Cheese Burger Apocalypse!"

    *After fixing a gen for 45seconds. Player can craft a Cheese burger landmine.
    Place Landmine on the floor. If triggered by the killer walking over it. Blind the killer. Send them to Burger Tank*

  4. Sounds cool yet busted as FUCK (tank)

    Although l4d2 skins would be cool, gunslinger as smoker, plague as spitter, ghostface as hunter, legion or blight as jockey and nemisis as tank

  5. Tank would probably fit to removed concept of The Smasher, but I always thought that Fleshpound from Killing Floor would fit DbD better because you don't need to nerf his size or something.
    Or replace Tank with Hunter, I dunno.


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