Dead By Daylight live stream| New killer power is "Hex: The Mid Chapter Patch"!

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Dead By Daylight live stream| New killer power is β€œHex: The Mid Chapter Patch”! Watch as killers down survivors from a mile away with their new ability β€œthe mid chapter patch”. Who needs Coup de Grace when you have swings as forgiving as these hitting?

The Archives Tome VI is live! Let’s get some of these challenges done and check out the red glyphs!

Patch notes to read about the changes:

New Valentine’s Day Streamloots cards are here! Make Valentine’s Day SPECIAL with exclusive unique cards & achievements available until Feb 22nd!


27 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight live stream| New killer power is "Hex: The Mid Chapter Patch"!”

  1. Please tell them dems to put the player icons back on the bottom it blocks the view. But I do really like how they show the character the other players are playing but PLEASE change it back to the bottom

  2. the hud is GREAT i love it πŸ˜€ i made it rly small on my 4k monitor on my PC even when i m alone in a match that i can see how many times my mates are hooked is very usefull, the only thing thats weird for me besides the stuff that the devs will fix anyway…. is the injured animation o0 it feels so fkin weird xD thats the only thing i dont like

  3. Yes Paulie it is one day after the update, but since I started playing DBD in June 2019 I've never seen this situation of the hitboxes. It makes the game unplayable for survivors. I know you are main survivor, I know you are still playing survivor, but I saw some of your games and I can tell you were not happy about killer hitting you when they shouldn't, either. You just aren't toxic about it and you don't want the devs that watch you seeing you shit talk their game. I understand. But what is happening today CANNOT happen on the live version of the game. As you have said, we've been here for so long, this is not fair to us. Everyone who is mad has the right to be mad.

  4. Hey Paulie, I was playing on the Coldwind Farm and I was looking towards a pallet and I noticed that the pallets are shaking kinda? Like if you look closely you can see they're shaking and if you're far away you can kinda see it more? I just noticed it today, also I was pulled out of a locker yesterday and I couldn't wiggle until the killer started the hooking animation, other then that I've really liked the update and the UI is really cool, I like the icon updates, it feels like the game is running on a new engine kinda with the graphics and HUD being updated.

  5. For the people who are saying I am gonna unstall the game just listen to me. If you think playing survivor is so unplayable than go play killer. I don’t think you need to unstall the game just because of an update. I am sure that they will try and fix the bugs but just not attack me just for saying this.

  6. If the devs wanted to see what us console players have to say about the HUD why did Not Queen say it can't be changed now? Especially when it seems that wasn't true, I reckon that got people's backs up. I dunno, usually after a new killer or patch and people moan I give the devs the benefit of the doubt and say please just let them fix things but this time it's a mess for so many people and if after 4YRS making this game they still make big mistakes will this always be an issue? It's saddening, I love dbd and don't intend to uninstall it but things have got to change, they can't keep doing this to people

  7. Paulie. The devs had 3 weeks of the community telling them these changes were bad and not needed. Not 24 hours. Even console players. Anyone mad has the right to post what they want in the reviews…

    People who like the hud are the minority. Nobody I know likes it, and nobody they know likes it. I'm a console player and the couple of people who told you they like the UI do not represent me or my friends… or their friends. I wish it never changed. I wish they listened to PC players.

    The devs are also saying very contradictory things about whether stuff can be reverted or not. Quite frankly – they should probably tell Not Queen to stop posting stuff on discord. She's not making sense and as someone who's worked in games myself. She's basically admitted the devs have fucked up insanely by saying they can't revert back.

    Yes they wanted us to experience it, but we don't have a PTB. What is the point of the PTB if not to prevent them from screwing up so bad OR to help them put precautions in place… Which they didn't do.

    Yes the devs fixed stuff from the PTB… Great. That's their job and what feedback is for… but the fact they kept no kind of backup to revert back to means they clearly are not paying attention to their players.

    You can defend them all you want or say people posting stuff isn't right. But it is. They've had 3 weeks. Not one day.

    We can accept past janky past patches because they weren't this bad. They clearly changed more than they could handle with this update… and it shows.

    They changed stuff nobody asked them to change… and it broke the game. We told them we did not want these changes… and they pushed them out so everyone could experience them. Everyone wants a revert… It's not possible.

    That is why people are mad. The devs do not take enough precautions and it has shown some insane flaws in the way they work.

  8. Only playing survivor … these devs are just a joke … even the bullsh!t he talkes makes you aggressive
    … "You complained mimimi – we are working on it – we constantly take feedback serious" … y … not at all

  9. I’m one of those people that changed my review to negative (with 3.5k hours) and I did so because of how severe these issues are. The hit boxes are broken and some elements of the UI are causing me headaches and eye strain. They devs got enough feedback on these issues and more after the PTB and survey, but they decided to ignore it and see what the rest of the player base thought which is basically just a big fuck you to the PC player base and ptb testers. Why even waste our time?

  10. Red Glyphs are interactable objects that are available to collect as both survivor and killer. In order to spawn a Red Glyph into a trial, you must have a Glyph Challenge active in The Archives. When in a trial with the challenge active, one Red Glyph will appear in a random location and stay there until you collect them. They are invisible from far away, but become visible to you when you get within a certain proximity of them


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