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How deep into the woods are you willing to venture? Be warned — there’s little comfort to be found in these grim tales.
The Modern Tales Collection is now available in Dead by Daylight’s in-game store:
The Huntress – Baba Yaga – ULTRA RARE
Feng Min – Little Red Gaming Fit – VERY RARE
Meg Thomas – Dare Gretel – VERY RARE
Learn more about the Modern Tales Collection here:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.
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#deadbydaylight #dbd
Why all the skins are horribles
Amazing! They made a Russian skin
As a feng main, I approve of this feng outfit.
I'd like to have more skins for Felix, Zarina and Adam. Also, an Ugly Sweater for Laurie Strode. 😶 Kinda tired with Feng and Meg at this point.
Baba yaga has their own story 2 no outfit the original one
Huntress is getting a cosmetic it's cool but why Feng and Meg give other survivors more clothes
Gonna criticize the Feng Min skin don't remove my cosmetics.
Sardoche chante au début?
Dbd cria um assassino pá mais para roça
Yet another set of cosmetics, for characters that already have quite a few instead of going for a 2:1 ratio. 2 skins for any character and 1 skin for a character that has the least skin pieces overall (looking at you twins)
But hey, what do I know, I was just a paying customer (quit cause matchamking made it unfun to play also cheaters)
I feel baited…. Feng looks PINK in the collection trailer but red in game … ;_;
Unironically need more Brothers Grimm cosmetic outfits in this game
Also I want you guys to please bring in The Lipstick-Face Demon, also known as the Man With Fire on his Face, the Red-Faced Man, Sixtass, or simply the Demon, is the main antagonist of Insidious horror film series. It is a demonic resident of The Further that seeks to bring pain and chaos to the world of the living by possessing a human body. PLEASE BRING HIM IN THE ENTITY MAKE HIM HAVE ABILITIES WHERE HE CAN TAKE OVER A SURVIVOR AND CAUSE HARM TO Generators AND EVEN LOCKERS WITH BOOBY TRAPS!
Yeah yeah ik Feng got another skin 🙄 but let's talk about how amazing huntress looks
Porque a Laurie Strode não ganha mas skins?
All Russian (with me): Why new cosmetic, why Baba Yaga (or Granny Yaga) is not new killer?!
As a Huntress main, her Baba Yaga cosmetic is so breathtaking I can't stand it lol!
Becareful not to quote the game developers they'll take you cosmetics
huntress mommy looks so good
If the other girls were prettier I'm sure people would play them more.
Until then, everyone will stay on Cheryl and Feng Min, and the devs will keep making skins for them all but exclusively.
Well, for Feng Min.
I'm sure the approval process for making cosmetics for any of the licensed characters is probably an absolute bitch and a half.
sub to broken pallet
Can we please get something about La Llorona🙏🙏🙏
You guys didnt even show new skin for Yui, why have you forsaken my girl 🙁 She deserves more skins, Feng gets new one every micropatch
I love the huntress skin. All those new features finally starting to make the legendary/ultra rare skins worth the price
So now we have two cannibalistic skins for huntress.
i am on my knees and BEGGING for a Hansel skin oh my god. you can't just have one without the other!!!!!! they're two peas in a pod, you CAN'T separate them!
Please use "Hello Zepp" for chase music.
Super Idol的笑容
热爱 105 °C的你
Off topic: but when are they going to add a Maria skin as a legacy to Cheryl? Would be so cool…
Insecure devs. L
Doesn't mordeo deserve the same treatment as baba yaga in sound effects and lullaby?
Add the demogorgon back please 😅
Honestly the only skin I care about out of these three is the huntress skin
These are adorable and awesome 🤩
Ужасная колыбельная у охотницы. Будто язык заплетается. Как пьяная.
И баба-яга никогда не обладала двумя лицами, как и остальные в русском фольклоре.
Meh, rather have SBMM removed instead.
I can't wait to hear my friend in discord say "dud Feng min lOoks cuTe in tis new skin"
Does the Modern Tales Felix skin in the rift play the special lobby music if all three pieces are unlocked?
Nice looking Skin for Killer but range so 👎
For the love of god give someone else good outfits instead of Feng, might as well call the game Feng Min by daylight