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Welcome to the 7th episode of my Dead by Daylight podcast ON THE HOOK for series 2. The podcast is a weekly series discussing everything Dead by Daylight with viewers and other content creators.
Today we discuss change in the PTB and the Resident Evil collaboration.
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#onthehookdbd #dbdpodcast #dbddiscussion
we had so much fun jay i will see you next time
Glad everything got sorted out!
Had a blast today! Thank you for having me on. I would have liked to flesh out a few more points, but I didn’t want to cut anyone off or take up the majority of the time all for myself. Overall, good breakup of time talking considering how many people were there. Sidenote: are we gonna ignore the fact I couldn’t pronounce the word “asymmetrical” 🤣? I literally pronounced it asytrametrical! 🤣🤣
Okay, this gets a bit longer, i make one comment for the whole PC, instead of 30 single ones^^
Nice…Rosie-Jay and Salty Time…and you have Murv…isn´t that the "New Account to Rank 1 Challenge" Guy?
Jay spitting Facts again!
And no…Otzdarva wanted nothing of this in his Community Patch…he wanted that you can see as freddy, in wich direction you look when you port (so a Buff) and he wanted to change BT , but in a complete other Way than they did here.
Fck Cockdarva…
OoO is now more busted than before…it was a Buff, it counters ALL Aura reading perks and Add Ons…Imagine a Killer Perk being in the game doing that…wouldn`t last one Patch…"it`s more interactive"…wtf is this airless Guy talking about?!?!?
26:50 slugging, camping and tunneling are part of the game, but them, together with Gen Rush are the rest 20% of when people say "80% of the Problems of this Game are retarded Devs and Content Creators". This People are right…and the 4 things are the rest 20% of the Problems of DBD…
People like me, that say this Game is Surv biased think that is , because I HAVE TO tunnel, camp and slug to win with certain Killers. But I do not want to, because it is bad for my pips and , far more important, for my Bloodpoints.. but with all the nerfs in the past they force Killers to play like that. In discussions I often get countered by Surv Mains with "YoU waNt everY GGame to be a eaSy 4k"…wrong…I want to play decent 12 hooks without tunneling, camping and slugging. (I call it TCS from here on) . TCS as a Killer is not Fun! It destroys my experience as Killer…That is why I only play 2 Games where I normally would have played 10 or more Games…
Damn I just saw you answered on one of the Comments I deleted ..Sry Bro…
A hard disagree to "Tunnel, Camp and Slug is fun for Killers"…we do it because with some Killers, you have no other Option! I recommend my Comment 3 sentences ago, there i say what i think is the Problem with TCS…
37:35 Again…AMEN and HALLELUJA! But this Time it is the Scrubby Dude…
About breakable walls…before they even came out I had a Idea…and I think they should remove breakable walls, and therefor, give every Surv one ( or maybe two, but not more…but i honestly think 2 is too much) brekable Wall that he can place whereever he wants…
The Demo stuff proofs, this Airless Guy watches way too much Scott Cund Videos…
I would change the twins in that way, that Victor is like Pyramid Heads attack but can either block a Gen or black a locker with a Surv in it. No injuring the Survs. And some other Power for Charlotte to attack. But about that, i never bothered to think about because I only like the Character and Visuals of the twins, but not the Gameplay…
1:19:05 NO! THAT is why DBD lastet and all the others not! because the Survs can`t fight back! It is Cat&Mice…and it should be…Head On is enough!
1:21:50 My point exactly…
Gave it 30 min this week. Only complaining and winging. Sad cause it used to be just Capt Salty who was overly upset. Now everyone comes to the podcast once a week to air their grievances.
Murv is super quiet audio wise. I have to crank up my volume so hard. It would be nice if his volume could be higher next time he's in a podcast. When your voice, Jay, is a 100 volume wise, his is a 30-40.