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Propnight is a 4vs1 multiplayer physics-based prop hunt mixed with classic horror survival.
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Propnight is a 4vs1 multiplayer physics-based prop hunt mixed with classic horror survival.
I'm so excited to see all the bad dbd players flock to this game and give me better quality matches
y'know for how fun this game is, it's pretty obviously janky (something you can tell with just an hour of playing it) and also like, it crashes constantly.
This looks entirely one sided to play. And we all know what side that is. I don't think this will top dead by daylight sadly. I wish Evolve didn't die, that will always be my favourite asymmetric
Can't wait for the hackers to start playing to
I love how shameless this game is. It doesn't have a single original idea and it owns that.
This game looks like the type where you'd buy it to play with your friends for a few matches and probably have it collect dust for the next 3 years
Of course no one's just gonna solo queue either, at that point just play the game this one stole from
This game is the dumbest thing I have ever seen….and I love it XD
What next, sbmm prophunt?
Day 147 of asking coconut to level up Quentin
Hopefully this works well for the devs, it would show other game developers that making a dead by daylight style game is viable. Give those wastes of space at Behavior some competition for their players, maybe that will get them out of the delusional fantasy land. They've already gotten enough money to just move on to a new game if that does happen, so probably not but at least there'd be better DbD style games out there then
YES, competition to DBD!
thank uuuu
If these games just release on Console DBD would not stand a chance with the massive console base, like VHS right
more propnight!
The game is actually developed in Singapore, but the company that published it is situated in Saint Petersburg. They have offices in Saint Petersburg (where the HQ is located), Ivanovo, Vladivostok, and Singapore
FIRST PERSON VIEW!!!!! 😀 (You have no idea how long i been waiting for dbd to get ,first person view, or a game like it)
Takashi69, Marilyn Manson and Billie Eillish. These fellas are going places with those licenses!
I just played this game and think it's pretty fun. Besides from the fact that survivors can double jump in the middle of a corn field and completely lose me
This game looks more polished than DbD. But then again…just about anything looks more polished than DbD.
Tbh this game looks like shit, but that's just my opinion, hella people seem to love it tho, idk why
"She had throwing knives?!"
Me when a Legion hits me through a window I vaulted through five seconds ago.
nah this game feels like crap for the killer
So it's just dead by daylight but even more boring. I'm sorry but neither this or VHS are ever going to be better than dbd they both look like very crap imitations of an already kind of shit game.
This is dope asf the cringe of it just gives me cancer lol
stunning the killer by jumping on his head as an object is the best part of the game hahaha
This is so derivative and honestly doesn't look that fun. I'd rather play either prop hunt or DBD, but not a game that's a shameless ripoff of both at once.
game mechanics is ok, but don't like the art style (graphics)
PropNight: "Hey, can i copy ur homework"
Dead by Daylight: "sure just change somethings up"
the homework:
If you remember gmod then u know this is hide and seek plus dbd stuff added.
This will be the dbd killer
This game looks promising!
I would be glad to see more of this ♥
I am loving this game!!…I gotta get it
seems way too hard to win as killer, I feel like it won't last long tbh
Coco you should play IDV its basically Dbd and Caroline had a kid, its pretty neat
witch it is probably more fun imo.
but nobody plays it, so you cant really play
it could be good but that one witch game was trying to do this too but didnt get popular enough
it is coming out in 30th so idk maybe
I think that games that rely on stealth as much as this one does generally have much lower skill caps and replay-ability. Dead by Daylight at its core is a skill based pvp game. There's nothing wrong with being fun and goofy, but generally that will have an affect on the longevity of the game (i.e. Fall Guys).
6:30 of fuck