Dead By daylight Ps5 Livestream with subs [How Toxic can you be]

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜

Just a humble guy who wants to give the little guy a voice.From funny moments to hardcore gaming on the channel trust and believe that everyday with me will be a adventure, so let get it Started Together. And like as Always be sure turn on that bell 🛎 and hit that like button 👍🏽 so never miss a second of this Journey with me.#RoadTo1ksubs🌟
Goal hit:
100 Subs 08/03/2020
200 sub goal hit 12/28/2020
500 5-18-2021
Live-streams Rules
1.Dont ask to be mod please, Mod are given but you my ask how to become one and it you fit the requirements then you have a chance at the mod title
2.Dont be rude to me or the people who I play with cause we all wanna have fun and enterntain you.
3.Most important HAVE FUN!!!!! And talk in the chat I live for your feedback on games and games you wanna see being play on the channel👍🏽
4. Be sure to Always Smash that Like button for me and Tell your friends :p

Wanna know The update on the Crew or Myself then join the discord sever that way you are update on anything darkhero related (Just ask the Mods and they will link it)
Paypal- (if you wanna dontate to the channel)


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