Dead by Daylight | Q&A Livestream

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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.

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49 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight | Q&A Livestream”

  1. they all ignore the inevitable death of their game because they don’t want to deal with it or can’t fix it it’s annoying when they ignore all the actual complaints not stupid complaints like this they need to talk about gameplay like lag vpns from China server fixes and and matchmaking but no they are too scared of the death of their game to talk about that

  2. Camping should be a punishment it should be a punishment but no the devs don’t want to get yelled at if they fix camping or even tunneling they to much of a coward to fix the survivors this game is so killer favorite

  3. Sorry… But why was Switch promised cross progression before PS4/XBOX cross progression?? The Switch playerbase is nothing compared to the PS4 playerbase, why in the hell is that getting prioritised?!?!

  4. Maybe a dynamic ratio (that updates every hours?) that rewards x2 x3 x4 etc bloodpoints depending on whether more survivors are needed or killers are needed. I.g. if more killers are needed.. update the bloodpoints rewards ratio to 2x or whatever depending on the number of needed killers to suit the number of survivors and vise versa. Would not be hard to implement at all.

  5. Would be cool if instead of mashing space during struggle face you have to react to different WASD inputs that show up in a random order, that way it's reaction and not just button mashing

  6. I wanted to say that I love both you (Not_Queen) and McClean (and his cats :D) buttttt I truly, truly enjoy and appreciate Patrick's perspective as a dev and hope to see him in future videos. I thought his answers were clear, concise, and honest while also entertaining. I hope you include him in future videos.

    I also wanted to say that I am really grateful you do videos like this. I know the community can complain a bit (myself included) but this is such an amazing, unprecedented thing in the gaming community and I hope you don't change it. Thank you for listening to the community as much as you do.

  7. I'm fine with decisive being changed in this way but does 'healing' also reflect healing yourself like with a medkit, or being healed? feel like that should be the one thing allowed, healing others I get it that's contribution, but healing your own wounds shouldn't disable it since it assists in the whole, I'm trying NOT to end up right back on the hook goal. – speaking as someone who doesn't even use DS tbh.

  8. 40:00

    Again with the statistics as their only view point.
    One of the most unqiue parts about her power was made null and void with the end game collapse changes. I am willing to bet that most of us who wants a Pig buff just wants a few simple things, one of them being just give us back the fun and panic that could be caused with endgame traps.

    Just count a trapped survivor as a hooked or downed survivor. Have the trap instantly trigger if they get to close to the gate exit. That's it, you don't even need the trap to turn on once the end game starts, though that could also help add to the tension.
    Statistics don't mean shit when you are looking more at something that is conceptual and can't be measured with numbers.

  9. I’ve just done 20 games and in about 15 of those i’ve been hit past pallets windows way further than I normally should and my Ping has been fine so I don’t have the best suggestion but I think either make survivors bigger or make the hitboxs smaller you’re not gonna listen this is my opinion thats thats

  10. Survivor characters don't slightly crouch anymore with arms apart….they used to seem more nervous and worried before now they stand up talk and confident…please don't remove the horror aspect of this game ..this is why it's so special…please revert it back ..also daylight slight sunrise bring it back

  11. Pig: make the first trap you place take 4 boxes searched, 2nd trap 3 boxes, 3rd trap 2 boxes and 4th trap 1 box. Make Rule set No 2 base kit. Rework her addons some are a negative with 0 benefit. Your welcome.


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