Dead by Daylight – Resident Evil Gameplay Reveal Nemesis Gameplay [HD 1080P]

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Resident Evil Gameplay Reveal Nemesis Gameplay of Dead by Daylight.
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26 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight – Resident Evil Gameplay Reveal Nemesis Gameplay [HD 1080P]”

  1. Hopefully they add skins for nemesis like different characters with different moves Eveline Lady Dimitrescu Mother Miranda and other characters as a different character you can purchase and Claire for Jill Carlos for Leon.

  2. Predictions after seeing that the new stage is the police station from RE2 Remake. Don't mistake this for hate or disappointment, I'm looking forward to this and I'm more than happy with their choice of Killer.

    The main hall, with it's curved desks, various debris and stairs, will make Killers without range options lose their sh*t since the wonky hitbox of the objects/walls in this game will constantly make people stuck during chases (even more so the Killers with their larger and less obvious hitbox because of the different pov compared to Survivors).

    As seen around the 0:48 mark, it seems one of the ends of the balcony on the 2nd floor is open so that players can fall down to the first level of the main hall while bypassing the stairs. This spot will quickly become an infinite loop since most Killers would have to take the long way around up the stairs and all the way to the end of the second floor balcony, giving more than enough time for the Survivor to drop down and leave through a door on the 1st floor with a large headstart (the only Killers that will be able to circumvent this are those that can use traps/teleports or ranged attacks like the Huntress, Trapper and Hag for example).

    The zombies NPC; The most interesting, new, and strange new content.
    Dead by Daylight is not known for it's NPCs (in fact I think it's the first time other threats will roam the stage completely independant of the Killer, hazards like traps don't count and the player controls the Twin) and the zombies seem very slow, meaning that it will most likely take a couple patches after release for the zombie AI to be able to go/hit everywhere (chances are good Survivors will quickly find "safe spots" that zombies can't reach). Also, most Killers have a fairly large hitbox so unless Killers can go through/push zombies without being body-blocked, zombies will be more of a hindrance than help ESPECIALLY in tight hallways and close to hooks (and since the trailer shows Nemesis being able to kill zombies, there's either some kind of advantage to do it or they are simply in the way and the Killer needs to kill them) their slow speed not meaning much to the fast Survivors unless their are looking backwards during a chase and run straight into them. Also they are apparently instantly killed by pallet drop as shown in the trailer.)

    It looks awesome and I have no doubt that it has the potential to be one of the most interesting stages since it would add some tension by actually making Survivors look straight ahead and not know exactly where the Killer is during a chase and, with a little luck, the Infection mechanic will be relevant and will have a solid impact on the game's pace.


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