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Renovations on the Raccoon City Police Department are officially complete. Take a quick tour of the updated Map rework, now split into 2 separate variants.
Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil: PROJECT W is available now.
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Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.
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You should 100% give Hunk Voice Lines
What about The Hag,The Huntress and the Plague map? will there be a visual update? it's been ages.
"A considerable reduction in size" – and a considerable increase in confusing one version for the other. Just should've made a map in the city, this just made something iconic, infamous.
Bro.. BHVR didn't even know how to shut all the doors properly, West Wing is still long as fuck, not to forget there's still 2 damn floors.
Don't be fooled by the map at 0:30 – that's just the new map in its entirety – they just wanted to divert you from the areas they added. Of course they wouldn't highlight how much was added.
I love it! Thanks for listening and updating it.
Wild that they barely released this now. 😂
all the pallets are mid
They ruined the map, Hate it but ofc killers get vip treatment 😒
I personally loved the original RPD, and had no issues with it. Never played on PTB, and learned 75% of the old map by day 2 of the public release, and it became my fave map within the first week it was released! It was well-balanced for both survivors and killers, the only way you would do poorly on it is if you didn't know the map. I also loved how it was one of the few maps with small, narrow hallways, you could turn corners quite well in a chase as well. I have played on both wings of the new map, and while I can still work with it, I am…not a fan of all the new updates. I like that new paths were opened up, however, I don't particularly like the widened halls/pathways. I also liked the size of the old map as a whole, as opposed to having each wing as a separate variation of the map. As a survivor main, I loved looping killers through the entire map giving them the "Grand Tour" of the old RPD!
The ones who designed (and then reworked) this map should be executed
After you buss 00:35 I’ll see my self out
When you update, dbd mobile! I m very waiting this!
best narrator is back yay !
Narrator needs to have his own chapter, definitely should be a killer for fun
NGL I will miss the old map which is more similar to RE2 remake, this time around the RPD map resembles RE:VERSE's map. Wider and easier to see survivors and killers.
If you've played the map since the change you'd know it still basically plays the exact same, if you didn't like it before you're still not gonna like it now let me tell ya 😂
Yeah. Cool. The Map is very nice. But if I have to play on this Map one more time, imma lose my shit! If me or my SWF don't throw a Map Offering we get this map 90 % of the time! It's annoying -_-
QoL? They removed the Westmost hallway and 1 office, and the oustide helicopter of the other, theyreby making the map smaller as it needed to be… … … but then they added the outside in B-Campaign.. so they didnt make it smaller AT ALL, if anything they made it bigger
At least now it will go from
'most hated map'
'most hated map along with Eerie of Crows, Badham, Mother's Dwelling, The Game', etc.
Although for completely different reasons
If you found this map confusing, just say you didn’t play RE2
To be fair the map is still garbage.
I think they've done a pretty good job so far.
Thank You for the update, I bought a Xbox Series X and I'm doubting if I should Buy the Game on that platform cause I play on Nintendo Switch and we don't have Cross progression yet :c. Anyways good Game.
But why removal ?
Would have loved to see those new wall holes in a hotfix 300 days ago.
I love how he says "the library's INFAMOUS second floor", survivors have been slaughtered over and over again on that floor.
Albert Wesker is to bad buff him
You definitely did a great job with this chapter. We need more game modes. Players Vs AI-Killer, Player Vs AI-Survivors, etc…Also, Cross-Progression. I shouldn't have to reinvest on EVERY platform. That is just greed and laziness, pure and simple. Still dig the game, but the community sucks and it's still just a bully-sim/fashion show. Prove me wrong.
1:35 R.I.P. Fire Hose…
the gen placement is so shit so easy to 3 gen in rpd now
The complexity is absurdly GONE i- sad a little ngl
West Wing: lmao just the rooftop section is gone while the map remains obnoxiously large
It's funny how the community was complaining about the size of the map and the many lanes
But now society is complaining more than ever🤣
What do you want the company to do for you? You want them to put up signs indicating the locations of the generators? You want them to put up plaques indicating totem locations? If they do that, the game will lose its fun!
Do not forget that there are perks that reveal the aura of generators and other auras
Good job
Just add springtrap to the game
Why re upload?