Dead by Daylight | Sadako Rising | Sadako Trailer

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The fathomless sea. The stagnant water of a long forgotten well. Neither run deeper than her infinite wrath.

With otherworldly power and a fearsome temper, Sadako was left to perish and rot in a watery grave. Yet her dark presence only strengthened, manifesting into a cursed videotape that left countless viewers dead, their faces twisted in a mask of terror. Like the vast ocean her mother once gazed upon, The Onryō’s fury is profound.

Survivors will soon find themselves condemned to a haunting fate, forced to act quickly or fall victim to Sadako’s fury. Though the flickering glow of a television has long been a source of comfort, the mere sight of one will soon send shivers down your spine.

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Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.        


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43 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight | Sadako Rising | Sadako Trailer”

  1. Probably THE worst Killer in a long-long time, extremely unfun to play, even the slightest of safe places is an unbreakable fortress against her, pressuring the gens is worth nothing if you can never ever down anyone. And this trailer is chaotic and as non-informative as can be.

  2. What would make it perfect is if the actual tape footage is shown on the whole screen when killed, a great way to break the 4th wall as if the player is tricked into seeing it, it’d be a chilling and fun experience especially when the screen switches back to the game with a VCR transition after the tape clip ends like nothing happened.

  3. Sadako as a killer is fun and all but i'm sad that the optimization in the game is getting worse and worse with each update
    If this keeps happening i won't even be able to play the game anymore

  4. Sadako and Michael myers were the best characters dbd touch on hands down, we need more creepy killers like this, after not touching dbd for a whole year, I came back cause they got sadako

  5. DBD – why can we no longer block players? It seems this was removed with the last update. If you won't ban toxic players, blocking is all we have….

  6. "Fathomless sea, stagnant water of a forgotten well" – this is a reference about the Japanese movies. Sadako's biological father was a sea demon, that's how the two Sadakos were born: the human and good one, earned the powers of her mother Shizuko (they are quite different, though). The spiritual and evil one, earned the powers of the father sea demon.

  7. Although sadako isn't one of my favorite horror movie villains/killer's( my favorite horror movie villain/killer is Jason voorhees from Friday the 13th) sadako is still fun to play as and I'm happy for the sadako fans who wanted her in the game.

  8. playing killer and chasing just 1 survivor for a long time, finally hit once and then nothing happen and continue running even further, meanwhile another survivor doing their shit and chill. this is obviously horror game for killer main, lol what movie that you become reference for this stupid game. sadako is not a s3x doll.

  9. Honestly not even a 100 trailers are gona make the people play any more dbd why cus you game is dead face it less and less people are playing just look the numbers of this vídeo sad🙀😴 im gona play EVIL DEAD THE GAME and DRAGON BALL BRAKERS 😻😻


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