Dead By Daylight SLUGGING REMOVED, FINISHER MORI ADDED, & Perk Changes! – DBD Dev Update Part 1!

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Dead By Daylight SLUGGING REMOVED, FINISHER MORI ADDED, & Perk Changes! – DBD Dev Update Part 1!
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50 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight SLUGGING REMOVED, FINISHER MORI ADDED, & Perk Changes! – DBD Dev Update Part 1!”

  1. Hope is Not Lost needs a longer timer. Behavior needs to disincentivize slugging not make it virtually useless. If a survivor dies on a pallet, and the rest of the team harasses you for a bit there is a good chance the survivor will be able to pick themselves back up.

  2. The only people complaining about the Unbreakable being base kit are clearly the killers that slug. Why would you have a problem with it otherwise? If you hook the survivors like you’re suppose to then you won’t have to worry about this, will you?! Killers have got away with slugging the 3rd survivor in order to find the last for far too long. Get over it.

  3. This is terrible news. Slugging gave hope to survivors to get picked up again however this will now make sure killers always hook you so now you have no hope.
    The mori’s were fine. Now it’s ruined.

  4. I have a feeling that people are gonna abuse Unbreakable, if it will be in the base kit. At least they should give survivors who pick themself some kind of penalty or negative status effect, like broken or something else. Or make the time to pick yourself up longer.

    Also will there be new mori animations? Take The Trapper or The Wraith for example. These 2 mori's are pretty lame/poor and not very brutal in my opinion…

  5. As to why anyone would still wanna play killer is beyond me. I gave up a hat or two ago when it started getting real bad. But this is getting out of hand. What next? Instead of killing survivors you gonna hand out candy and do the gens for them?

  6. in my opinion, this is a terrible fucking update. the mori offerings are useless, the only reason to bring rancor was taken out back and shot, the interesting part of devour hope was replaced with an uncreative "They die when hooked", and downed survivors are gonna be near unstoppable with even a single teammate nearby while they're under a pallet. Bhvr, PLEASE REAVALUATE THIS UPDATE OR JUST SCRAP IT.

  7. I think I know what they can do for the Twins.

    Have it where survivors downed by Victor can’t move or heal themselves because he will continue to attack them while down. A survivor has to kick Victor off of the downed survivor to start healing them.

  8. This is epic levels of stupid. BHVR is determined to ruin Dead by Daylight. I bet they paid an entire animation team to fo new things so you know it will go live.
    It was a really good thing to have Killer sometimes decide to let the last survivor go (from both perspectives). Like those times you see a 3 man SWF screwing over a Solo Q player. Now they just get instant moried. They're taking so much out of the game for absolutely no reason. And Solo Q is going to be absolute Clown world.
    They say "we want ur feedback". No, they really don't. Most of their ideas go live with just a few little tweaks. Narcs.

  9. This is really horrible. I hate it. I use Rancor all the time for end game moris, that's now completely wrecked. They're just forcing killers to play in a very specific way that survivors like. This totally sucks.

  10. They need a perk that affects people who sabo hooks.
    Delaying The Inevitable
    Any time a Survivor preforms a successful sabotage, they become exhausted for 15 seconds. If the Killer was carrying a Survivor, and they wiggle out, the Survivor who sabotaged is exposed for 15/20/25 seconds.
    If the Survivor was already exhausted, and below 15 seconds remaining of the exhausted, it goes to 15 seconds.

  11. So now I can only mori one person if i happen to find them before they find the hatch instead of mori all of them with devour and no devour exposed and things like infectious fright slugging only 1 maybe two people is gone what the fuck

  12. I am a huntress main and i love going for snipes across the map and well its not gonna be a thing anymore the bhvr does everything to take fun parts of the game destroy them. even if im not playing huntress i mostly play slugging killers like twins, oni or plague. now all of them are trash. btw [*] for the twins that wont be able to use their power anymore 🙂 and i wonder what the killer will do when going against sabo squad, dc??? dodging ppl with toolboxes will do nothing cuz they can always use sabotaur. this game will die instantly if bhvr wond do anything about it. if this will be in public servers im quitting this game until its removed or reworked. And i also dont know why they deleted the mori from perks and offerings i mean i know its "base kit" but it is not at all. its just a cool ending but it doesnt let u do them in the middle of the game what was actally fun. Its hilarious that bhvr are doing all of this crap destroying the game but they dont seem to care about the hackers. well not the game is getting ruined double the speed :))))))) good luck bhvr fixing the game

  13. I don't know about this, if they change the survivor perks though, I'm gonna be sad, I think they should keep it because, 45 seconds is a pretty long time. And since there are many killers who can insta down, I don't think this is gonna work, because not many people can loop, especially in solo queue. I think the perks are really good, so we should keep them the way they are. I'll need to think about this update.

  14. Player base: Help us, hackers are ending the fun 🙁
    Bhvr: Removes original Mori system and slugging
    Player base: Now we have less killers playing because of the basekit unbreakable 🙁
    Bhvr: Removes the fucking game


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