Dead by Daylight – The Knight Chase Music / Terror Radius – Forged In Fog DBD PTB

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Here’s the PTB version of the new chase music and terror radius for The Knight in Dead by Daylight.

Chapter 26 Forged In Fog is live now on the PTB.

I definitely think the “Knight” aesthetic is sold with the instruments that are used. I can’t say it’s one of my favorite chase tracks but, I also certainly can’t say it’s one of my least either.

What do you think? Do you like the new chase music? Feel free to discuss it in the comments!


22 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight – The Knight Chase Music / Terror Radius – Forged In Fog DBD PTB”

  1. OML, do moris on all survivors (plus legendarys you have) on that killer when you can, also unmasked, I like seeing the facial expressions after they get their throat burned by that thing in the mori

  2. The part between the chase and the near part sounds so disconnected. I like the build up that it creates but if they change the chase theme to something more intense, it may end up better than this one. Just an internet opinion

  3. Honestly i feel like the chase theme feels really similar to onis. 16m sounds absolutely glorious though. Would be cool if the actual chase theme had chanting in it like a marching army kind of feel

  4. The characters I use
    A team
    3. Lisa garland
    5. Felix

    B team
    1. Adam
    2. Jane
    I can't wait to see this killer but is it going to be hard to play ask him


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