Dead By Daylight| The "Resident Evil Village" Dimitrescu family? Tinfoil Talk Chapter 20 DLC!

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So with the release of Resident Evil Village on Friday many people heard the familiar of Meg Thomas in the game? What does it mean? Let’s “Tinfoil Talk” about it, whether it means that Resident Evil Village characters are going to be the focal point of Dead By Daylight Chapter 20 DLC coming out this June.

So what do you think? Am I wrong and it’s totally going to be Lady Dimitrescu and her creepy vampiric daughters Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra like some people are saying? Do you agree it’s going to be old school original 3 games Resident Evil? Something else? What are your thoughts? Let me know!

Thank goodness we don’t have to wait much longer for the chapter reveal stream on May 25th! This crossover chapter between Capcom’s Resident Evil and Dead By Daylight is a great collaboration with one of the most beloved horror franchises celebrating their 25th anniversary and Dead By Daylight celebrating it’s 5th anniversary.

Here is Gamble’s video of Meg’s scream in game:

Here’s that teaser trailer on Dead By Daylight’s YouTube channel:

Here’s the announcement on the official Dead By Daylight website:

Thanks for watching!

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23 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| The "Resident Evil Village" Dimitrescu family? Tinfoil Talk Chapter 20 DLC!”


    So with the release of Resident Evil Village on Friday many people heard the familiar of Meg Thomas in the game? What does it mean? Let's "Tinfoil Talk" about it, whether it means that Resident Evil Village characters are going to be the focal point of Dead By Daylight Chapter 20 DLC coming out this June.

    So what do you think? Am I wrong and it's totally going to be Lady Dimitrescu and her creepy vampiric daughters Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra like some people are saying? Do you agree it's going to be old school original 3 games Resident Evil? Something else? What are your thoughts? Let me know!

    Thank goodness we don't have to wait much longer for the chapter reveal stream on May 25th! This crossover chapter between Capcom's Resident Evil and Dead By Daylight is a great collaboration with one of the most beloved horror franchises celebrating their 25th anniversary and Dead By Daylight celebrating it's 5th anniversary.

    Here is Gamble's video of Meg's scream in game:

    Here's that teaser trailer on Dead By Daylight's YouTube channel:

    Here's the announcement on the official Dead By Daylight website:

    Thanks for watching!

  2. My only question is how Alcina's Daughters will deal with Ormond. Ngl I would love to see Birkin and Nemesis as the killer (Hell, Birkin ended up demolishing Mr. X in RE2:Remake in Claire's campaign)

  3. I'm kinda torn. OG resident evil characters would beat the snot out of all the DbD killers. But if I had to pick it would be cool to see them back in a game again.

  4. Ok so I haven't finished Village at this point yet so I guess I could technically be wrong but…I'm 99% sure the chapter won't be Village. The fact is OG RE moves money and makes sales more so than new RE. Secondly, the Umbrella charm is classic RE and not really present in Village. Thirdly, Capcom has some weird thing about showing Ethan's face and unless they show him at the end of RE Village he will NOT be a survivor in another game showing his face.

    My wants for the chapter though are

    Jill (RE1, RE3, RE3 Remake, BSAA)
    Ada (RE2/Remake, RE4, RE6)
    Claire (RE2 and Alt outfit, Code Veronica)

    Mr. X
    William Birkin
    Alexia Ashford (transformed)
    Tyrant (General)

  5. but why Élodie's newest cosmetic has a hat similar to Lady Dimitrescu ? and Kate last Rift one with the moon symbol on her forehead similar to Dimetrescu's daughters ? or Plague current Rift skin with a mask the shape of a bird similar to the Witch in the intro animation of the RE 8 ? more to add to the tinfoil talk !

  6. Yes! THANK YOU!!
    People keep saying that the chapter will be related to Village when it makes little sense to do so. When talking about "iconic" characters, there's no one better in the killer department than Nemesis or Mr. X, who have already appeared previously on different games outside of RE, so I literally can't see why it would be different to DBD.
    It can't (or at least shouldn't) be from a monetary perspective since Capcom doesn't really need help selling their games, and the collaboration with BHVR has already created tons of publicity for them all by itself, just as with these theory videos.

    I really hope BHVR won't mess this great opportunity because of greed.

  7. Even the worst received main entry resi games still sold millions. Sony front load the majority of the promotion for Village in exchange for feature and time exclusivity. So even if the game performed and played like ass Sony's marketing should get enough preorders and initial buyers.

    It would make sense for Capcom to want squeeze as much as they can for the games initial release to ride the hype train and boost sales.

    And if it's a take it or leave it thing. Then it's better to have a new Resi than no resi.

  8. I still hope that the Survivors are Chris/Leon and Claire/Jill.
    The Spencer Mansion as Map (because of Nostalgia 😉 )
    And every other Killer that isn't Nemesis, will be a small disappointment for me.
    There's no other evil and iconic Monster from RE than Nemesis. Only when i think about that Namesis screams and you hear that over the Map, or you hear his Footsteps and he's saying S.T.A.R.S! i get goosebumps 😀

    And as always, great Video Paulie 😀


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