Dead By Daylight The Trickster Lore Reaction

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Checking out some more lore from Dead By Daylight. This time our reaction is to the Trickster’s backstory told by Single Player Nacho. To see all of our DBD reactions check out this playlist
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32 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight The Trickster Lore Reaction”

  1. Never thought I would enjoy a DBD lore video this much, especially of a killer I do not particular enjoy playing against (gameplay design) – I definitely prefer this channel to Pixel Bus, very fun commentary and editing style – the handmade drawings added a great personal touch, too. Fun video and reaction guys, thank you for continuing the Dead by Daylight content 🙂

  2. This is why I love the Trickster & think players were too harsh on him as a killer, mainly cuz he's a kpop star & "doesn't fit". I thought he was a creative & refreshing addition to Dead by Daylight. He doesn't seem menacing or look like he belongs there, but behind all that charm and sexyness is true horror. I'm a sucker for innocent looking things or people to have a dark side. His lore is actually really disturbing and I think people really overlook it. A beloved star that takes advantage of his fans and laughs at death. And the music he makes has masked tortured screams… He became a monster on his own, no traumatic childhood, he wasn't forced, for the most part. He is a monster without trying & I love that. So glad u checked out his lore! Looking forward to more dbd reactions!

  3. Kpop Killer? Why is thing? What is Kpop Killing?

    Welp, there's a very very simple answer. Kpop fans are 90% female. DBD players are almost 70% female.

    Pretty much a natural match up.

  4. Just thought I’d let you guys know Dbd just released a new chapter trailer and a behind the scenes video this week! It’s a very interesting chapter and I’d love to hear your guy’s opinions on it!

  5. That was a great idea from you guys about why he would find screams beautiful. I think what nachos meant with his question was that most serial killers start with animal cruelty and build up towards murder but the trickster went from inaction and letting someone die to the most tortures and demented kinds of murder just like that it feels like there should be something more in the middle to drive him there. Like I said earlier even for the most notorious serial killers murder is to raw of an act so they start with animals

  6. So happy you guys are reacting to DBD lore! Trickster is one of my favorite killers – solely because it was a bit of a new type of story where a killer does what he does not only because he enjoys it but because he profits off of it and is still loved as a kpop star


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