Dead by Daylight tiktoks to scream too #5

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Hey everyone! I know everyone really like the bill cosplay but I had to remove it due to it being blocked in some countries. When I make a comp and upload it, I have to remove all the copyrighted songs the YouTube flags. I had done this already but someone reported this video for copyright which made some new blocks come up. There for I had to remove the Bill cosplay and other clips. Sorry 🙂


41 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight tiktoks to scream too #5”

  1. Yo, it didn't even cross my mind that we could be getting the tall vampire lady, idk why i assumed it'd be nemesis or sum from the older games and not possibly being something new lol

  2. Hi! Lilac_Sheep here!
    I'm in your video at 1:40 & 14:25, I've tried to reach out to you but there was no proper way to contact you so I'm commenting here. I just wanted to let you know I didn't consent to my content being in this video, nor was I asked and if you could take my TikToks out that would be great. Thanks c:

  3. Hey everyone! I know everyone really like the bill cosplay but I had to remove it due to it being blocked in some countries. When I make a comp and upload it, I have to remove all the copyrighted songs the YouTube flags. I had done this already but someone reported this video for copyright which made some new blocks come up. There for I had to remove the Bill cosplay and other clips. Sorry <3


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