Dead By Daylight Triple Spotlight Trailer Reaction

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For this Triple Trailer Tuesday we are doing a reaction to the Dead by Daylight Spotlight Trailers for The Blight, Oni and Spirit. We have our official DBD drink The Killer Hookup ready to go. To see all of our Dead by Daylight reactions check out this playlist

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27 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Triple Spotlight Trailer Reaction”

  1. Two interesting facts about Oni and Spirit is she is a great decendant of the Oni, as he lived during Feudal Japan while Spirit is more Modern Day. Also, Oni is the Japanese word for 'Demon'

  2. Please react to all Resident Evil Outbreak Cutscenes ❤

    Sorry that I've been gone for a while and not performing my duty of asking the same thing over and over again. I've recently been battling my epilepsy that's been suddenly popping up this year (My brain is about as reliable as dial up internet so from what I understand from what the neurologist told me, it's some type of genetic epilepsy or something? It's definitely caused by stress. So ye, fun!
    But I'm back and I'll be around to keep on harassin' ya both!

  3. Oh wow I saw the notification thinking it was gonna be you guys reacting to the newest killer which came out like a week ago I believe (the dredge) but this works to these three killers have always been extremely fun to play as so I loved your reaction to all of there powers 🙂


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