Dead by Daylight Vacation Begins for ol' Scoot

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ

tl:dr Iโ€™ll be taking around a month off of DBD content creation to enjoy the new Elden Ring DLC. Iโ€™ll be back, donโ€™t worry โ€“ Elden Ring isnโ€™t a live service game so it canโ€™t hold me forever. See you DBD folks in a month (or whenever 2v8 happens)


42 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Vacation Begins for ol' Scoot”

  1. Honestly, you're not missing out on much. The survivor side of the event is miserable. Balance aside, it feels like every killer you go against camps and tunnels at 5 gens, and weirdly enough, I saw a significant increase in 3-genning Skull Merchants.
    It's fun on paper, but miserable in practice.

  2. When you play dbd you always seem done with life, not cared for yourself, and overall messed up, as soon you change game you seem to have life back.

    Serious question.. have you ever tried to quit dbd addiction? (If you already managed to admit it's an addition)

  3. Bro…i would say you could get just as many followers on elden ring content now. When you started on dark souls, it was more niche. Now, its bigger than dbd lol


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